
They are coming out with a new dongle eventually.

Well yeah that’s Destiny’s fault not the Xbox’s.

You never own any video games, you simply have the license.

Wait the Saskatchewan Roughriders got in trouble too?

God if this is anything like the first 4 I’m unbelievably excited.

Yeah except Jones doesn’t have a title anymore.

All the BWWs in my area aren’t getting the fight. Need to check Old chicago and Rock bottom next.


Well Dx12 is coming to the Xbox one so hopefully.

Did you even read the article? He calls out Floyd for being a terrible person with 0 character in every aspect of life except for in the ring.

The Zoey Quinn disclosure thing is hilarious.

I don’t see anything wrong with this.

“WE WON’T DO IT LIVE” - Charley Casserly in response to Bill O’Reilly.

How has it failed? It has been adopted faster than the Xbox 360. Just because it isn’t outselling the PS4 doesn’t make it a failure.

They are a Toronto sports franchise. This is the life we lead. Every bit of optimism is slowly crushed as the year goes on. The good news is that it’s over so I can actually enjoy the Hockey and Basketball playoffs now.

You should contact the NSA to see if they have the recording.



God damn I told myself I wasn’t going to listen to the whole song when it got to RTJ but god damn that shit is a banger.