
Maybe they’re taking them down to save server space? No reason to store a bunch of stuff no one is playing/using or people dislike. One of the dudes said his level was up for 3 weeks(so a month) with about 10 plays. Makes sense.

That’s still not how that word works. Conscience is the voice telling you what your moral right and wrong is. It does not create thoughts, nor does it think.

The next 15 anime after it on the list combine to equal the same number of votes. It’s in first. That’s a huge lead.

Holy shit, how is it detecting that there’s a wall there. And if I for example put them to fight against each other with only a skyline in view, would they.

Disagreed with the other ones, but I really never liked Fallout 3. Loved Fallout: new Vegas, loved Skyrim, FO3 though, really sort of sucked unless you put 100’s of hours in. And most people don’t want to get past that tipping point.

I watched this(Gate), and this series totally struck me as propaganda considering how detailed the focus is on combat styles, basic training, and group co-ordination.

I bought One Punch Man.

But they cannot buy every indie game, nor does every indie game fit their tastes.

I remember reading that this sort of practice helped out indies A TON in getting their game out there and stuff.

I don’t understand why kotaku is bashing a game for being well-off when it doesn’t seem like a scandal ridden game at all. I’ll probably buy this game now more than anything.

Oh thanks. Must’ve been a weird shot because my eyes couldn’t figure it out. Since you’re saying “my” I’m assuming you did the cosplay, good job, it looks really good!

Is it me or does her underarm look weird?

Still looking to see if I can find “Ungentle Reader”

Plot Twist: The tacks were made by his own chocobo, and they disappeared after a set period of time.

I see 4 dogs. Game advertised 5 dogs.

One on the right just looks pretty much naked to me, while the one on the left just looks like a skimpy halloween costume.

Everyone wanted a Frothing nerf, instead we got nerfed to a card worse than raid leader which isn’t even played that completely destroys Patron.

But there’s a ton of people who enjoyed Spore! I had the game and all the expansions for my computer, I even had the Nintendo DS knockoff.

Same thing with Fallout. One day it’s “Pre orders are evil”, the next day it’s “Pre Orders are evil EXCEPT this one for a game that is being kept under huge secrecy”

This keyboard has 2 letter “C’s”