We've heard rumors that Cortana is coming to the desktop, but today Microsoft showed off how it's going to work. Cortana lives in the task bar and can be used alongside search much the same way that integrated search already works in the existing Windows 10 beta. You can trigger Cortana with the voice command "Hey…
The presentation from today's event showed a video that highlighted Microsoft's ambitious goals for Hololens, which basically amounted to a real world with interactive holograms overlaid on top of it. Interacting with Minecraft was one of the uses shown for Hololens. Implementation like this is probably years away but…
I would like to display my emotions about this trailer. Fuck it.
Gizmodo's Article: "How to send glitter to your enemies" http://gizmodo.com/this-site-will…
Well they're not curbing free speech. They allow violence and sexual themes to be portrayed, and usually except the games back in an edited form, not impacting the overall message.
The movies depict rape to artistically develop characters and to be honest I rarely see any good movies containing rape, man bites dog for example one of the few, and I've never actually heard of or watched any of the other movies you've mentioned, because in movies they don't tend to have near explicit rape scenes.
I'm an American too, no idea why you're bringing nationality up in an argument, it's completely irrelevant.
Yes, perfectly fine with that as long as it's within good reason. Australians can still get the item through piracy anyhow, and if you harbor the item, it's not like you'll get the death penalty or any major punishment(no one really cares) it's just to prevent the item being sold to youth.
Well, not banned, more like refused classification, and...hey, wait a minute, weren't we supposed to be over this shit?
It definitely long enough then, I though he was a first time criminal, apologies.
Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! (Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei Bu Love!)
Maybe the sentence is a bit too long? 3 years would seem to be having the same effect but doesn't seem like overkill in the least.
Different territories make their own business decisions regarding individual products and timing. We think New Nintendo 3DS XL makes the most sense for our market. Nintendo makes different systems at different price points for a whole range of consumers, and New Nintendo 3DS XL simply expands those choices even…
International news vs. American news