
“Do you drink wine? It’s been in a cave.”

Sarah Suckabee is an inbred classless hick who stuttered more than once during her few press briefings.

Look, I understand your concerns. Given the fact that Trump won the electoral college in the first place was so against conventional wisdom; that it’s understandable to expect the worst.

This means that now, having been impeached (with or without Senate removal), no future president can pardon his offenses

It’s easier to understand because it’s simplistic. And wrong.

Genetics, hormones, biological differences are a product of the different sexes. To say “sex” is unchangible is not inaccurate, as of today we cannot change our genetic makeup. Its not possible, if you die and your genetics are tested even after transitioning you’ll be identified biologically as what you were born as.

Yeah....including the “white knighting” of Hermione. Like it’s all fucked up and makes no sense.

Aw, thanks!

At this point, it’s clear that you have your opinion, regardless of the evidence or how actual experts in the field approach this issue. The fact that you ignored the link I provided, and handwaved away what I said as unsupported and consciously wrong, is jsut proof of that. Have a nice day.

Have I mentioned this year how I love you, Dr. Donna?

Nah. Do your own reading.

But she wasn’t holding a controversial opinion outside of work, she was hiding between the definitions of sex vs gender to create a very hostile work environment towards trans people.

Wasn’t that just ret-conned because of complaints of no LGBTQ representation in her books, anyway?

Nah, she wrote the books; it’s just that she keeps adding to and reinterpreting the world she initially built, restructuring characters, facts, events, and even perspectives to align with the times and stay relevant or, as I suspect, avoid having the material called out in the future as problematic. I mean, if Tolkien

I’m going to take all my Harry Potter books and DVD’s and sell them. I don’t need them in my house anymore. She is a hateful bigot in myriads of ways.

Right? Toss some anti-semitism in there too, why not? As long as one is being a shithead.



I recently reread Harry Potter and I forgot how fucked up the discourse around Elven slavery is in those books.

the judgement in that maya assholes hearing was:

Why are you trying to make it out like she’s been brainwashed? Yeah, that’s how many people get bad ideas over time, and it would seem some of the older UK based people I follow are casually transphobic without prompting so are they all brain washed?