Stories like this are always awful, but rarely do they actually bring tears to my eyes.
Stories like this are always awful, but rarely do they actually bring tears to my eyes.
My thoughts exactly. Like, should I be concerned about this? Will it close if I do kegels? Will I require surgery to make it like it was?
Really, at any expense to the woman giving birth.
It works in that the sentence makes sense. Should there be more? Like a play on words or something?
Why in their science books? What has this perspective even got to do with science? Is ebil science making people have abortions?
Ooooh, I like the sounds of this. Netflix has made some really incredible shows. I can’t believe they’ve won no Emmy’s??
I was reading on some post-birth blog or other, some woman was asking “does yours hang open” because hers did and she wanted to know if it was normal. Several ladies said yes, theirs did and one lady said her husband didn’t mind.
What about the other 10%? Somewhere in between fine and not-fine? Though I’d say if you’re not fine, you’re not-fine.
Um omg my sister’s doctors at least told her that her giant baby just wasn’t going to fit through. *shudder*
This is exactly how I feel
My friend was in labor for 2 or 3 days I believe before she finally had a c section. Ugh.
This “natural birth” thing is a scam. Give me all the drugs!
I guess ready to be published today, Thursday?
Yeah I found that creepy AF.
If I have kids, I want the full mommy makeover. Mini tummy tuck, breasts, and this. What? I don’t care if you judge me. I want it all back the way it was.
Ikr, that was my first thought. I don’t use my work email for anything NOT work related...I thought everybody did that?
That, and then the screaming “HALP!!! HAAAAAAAALLLLPP!!!!!” were the best part. :)
Judging from some of the awful judgmental responses on the coolsculpting article here from several weeks back, I’m guessing the writer kept the tone kind of on the fence in case it went either way. Actually I was expecting a lot of similar comments on this one but am pleasantly surprised!
Yeah...been thinking about having kids perhaps lately but, maybe not...
Wow. She should stick to stuff like that, I’ve never heard her sound so good.