
“...Now you have to sit there and look at a blended area and wonder, is this for a boy, or is this for a girl?” an anchor asks.

It hurts. Worse than waxing, but less than epilating?

The couple times I used Nair, it left massive stubble and did not work.

Full face threading every 6 weeks or so. The chin feels strangely good!

That only happens the first time or two! Then they get tough or something.

I epilate weekly and I don’t have to shave my legs in between. Hurts like hell, but I am a hairy one so for me it’s worth the suffering.

Ah, the dreaded epilator. Slow death. I do that weekly but only in the summer.

I like Better Call Saul? I love Empire, but it’s nowhere NEAR Breaking Bad quality.

Why don’t they just go to bed earlier?

“Guys view everything as a competition,” he elaborates with his deep, reassuring voice. “Who’s slept with the best, hottest girls?” With these dating apps, he says, “you’re always sort of prowling. You could talk to two or three girls at a bar and pick the best one, or you can swipe a couple hundred people a day—the

Starbucks repeatedly seems to get voted “one of the best employers” due to this two-tiered system. Sure, it’s greeeeeat if you get to work at head office. Not so much if you work AT Starbucks. But we were the ones who got this “top employer” stuff shoved down our throats, as if telling us it was a great job would make

My boyfriend keeps trying to convince me that she’s something different, but all I hear out of her mouth is the same old republican crap, in a slightly more palatable way.

This makes no sense, since if they mandated maternity leave, that would also apply to government employees, no? So...the government’s house then would be in order (at least on this subject).

In Canada the employer is not really paying for your leave, it’s paid for by Employment Insurance which you have to pay into. And if you end up earning more than $50k that year (say if you take 6 months off that year for parental leave and the 6 months paid leave + 6 months working adds up to $50k or more) you will

The crowd hardly “went wild” as he claims. Some obviously thought the comment was funny, but “went wild” is a stretch.

I saw some article or other declaring that the Fox News moderators had won the debate. I would argue that Megyn Kelly won the debate with that one single question. And yes, she did finish the question. He’s lying as usual.

My god, he’s so delusional. I watched the whole republican debate and at no point was Megyn Kelly angry, in the least. He is such an insecure pathetic man, he expected not to be asked any hard questions, and ESPECIALLY not to be asked any hard questions by a woman. Oh and he’s lying. She finished her question before

Why do so many misogynists think that if they’re sexually attracted to women, that means they can’t possibly hate women?

If a partner is intimidated into consenting to an open relationship in any way, it’s about the furthest thing from ethical.

What’s this got to do with cheating? Seems like this guy’s trying to put his own branding spin on open relationships and whatnot. Does calling it “cheating” make it more exciting or something?