I agree. But would probably still smash. And Tom Hardy too.
I agree. But would probably still smash. And Tom Hardy too.
Netflix, I’m very mad at you. Silver Linings Playbook was sooooo overrated. And my boyfriend and I like the same TV shows and movies, so f*ck you.
My thoughts exactly as I read that. She saw it on Oprah at that age and had a comprehension of the whole thing...methinks not.
“Airbrushed!” is absolutely not what I thought when watching that ad. She looks amazing, and she also has a lot of wrinkles. Which is normal for her age.
I got a 4 and I say neither match and both match. Shadows match the left, light areas match the right.
His assertion that the mother “saw this coming” and did nothing to stop it, “she was warned”, etc., pretty much tells me everything I need to know about this man.
Yeah it’s really awful. Must be so avant-garde we normals don’t get it.
Wtf. Both the father and judge are blaming the children. IF there is parental alienation happening, THE CHILDREN ARE VICTIMS!!!
I’m not saying the father is an abuser or not, but it’s a WELL KNOWN FACT that many abusers appear to be good, upstanding members of society. Wtf would this judge know about their home life?
WTF is wrong with this judge. Parental alienation is a real thing, but children are VICTIMS of that ffs.
That’s the exact sentence where I stopped reading.
As far as I know, certified organic is the only thing that’s regulated and can be trusted. Whereas “natural” can be used to describe absolutely anything.
Well, I don’t think battery acid is the problem with meth.
I totes get all my advice on scientific matters from people with degrees in spiritual psychology.
She’s upset about “chemicals”. Water is a chemical. ‘Nuff said.
“...when is self esteem too much? When does it make someone narcissistic and entitled...”
As if I didn’t like these two enough, now I like them even less. Oh well.
Ikr, what is going on here? I legit don’t understand how she still works there?
I’m confused - this woman is still currently employed by the county? Sounds like a lawsuit agains the county might be appropriate?