
Oh lord. Wat?

They just think the pro-choice side is being just as disingenuous as they are. Because pro-life to them really does mean forcing women to have children against their will, so pro-choice must mean forcing women to have abortions against their will, see!

He’s more odd looking than pretty imo.

After reading that headline I fully expected to click on it and go to a page that said “just kidding!”

Scott Peterson also hadn’t heard from his wife and was cooperative, if I recall correctly.

Number one killer of pregnant women is the father of the baby, sad to say.

I like it. It has its moments of lameness, but I feel it’s important for me to support a show with two ladies their age as the main stars. I love them both too!

Not to mention the whole “but the porn ladies love it! What’s wrong with YOU?” aspect that can come about...can this be part of sex ed? That porn =/= real life?

Confidence is the most attractive thing of all

I’d love to be 135, but it’s hardly rail thin, even at my 5’7”. It sure wouldn’t be “sick” if I wanted to be 130, that’s a healthy weight for many people.

Not to mention he seems to think public shaming was an appropriate punishment for her. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

I don’t agree there’s really any situation where cutting a 13 year old girl’s hair against her will is reasonable. That’s a major violation of someone’s bodily integrity.

Birth control pill kills my libido too. I tried to talk to a doctor about it once and she acted like this didn’t matter :/

I really hope they come up with some sort of running-Flibanserin then!

I haven’t read the books, and am enjoying this season. If it’s a stall, it’s a good one.

Pretty sure they made it out on the boat, but I think the one child reminded her of her kid?

I mean, this could be any number of people. I’ve yet to see convincing evidence it is in fact Louis C.K. Not saying it’s not possible but...I need a little more than scraps like this.

Yes, clearly I’m the one that’s a knob.

At no point have I attempted to educate you about what title IX law means. You seem confused about what it is the students are complaining about. You are arguing for something that literally nobody is arguing against - that the professor should be able to express her ideas and theories.

Have you read about this case anywhere besides Jezebel? Because the issue the students have is that she’s basically blended one student’s accusation of rape in with another student’s accusation of sexual assault against the same prof, and made it seem as if there was only one case, and it was a case of sexual assault