Really? I thought the show was wildly popular, is it really up in the air as to whether it will be renewed?
Really? I thought the show was wildly popular, is it really up in the air as to whether it will be renewed?
He doesn't think she's a person. She's an accessory to him, to make him look good.
That and attempting to burn down a yoga studio cause some other client tried to hit on you...
Thing is, this is how it's worked since however long ago. Technically many roles are open to people of a variety of races, it's just that white people are disproportionately hired.
I didn't notice in the movie, but does that placard that woman in the background is holding *seriously* say "no more missing persons"?
I used to work at Starbucks and I reviled the "iced Cappuccino" crowd. It's an impossibility! You can't ice foam, the bubbles will pop. People would get quite irritable if you tried to explain it to them. I blame Tim Horton's for this phenomenon.
I would save Reggie Bush too, but I wouldn't SAY so if Kim K. was my stepsister. Brody's such a douche.
"He then says she begged him to get pregnant when they were married the first time and when she did she terminated the pregnancy."
Could I love her even more than I did before?
I suppose they "gather" dollars? How many dollars counts as "gathering"? What's the tipping point? $50? $100?
This made me lol pretty hard. And now I feel guilty.
I'm not sure I agree with the conclusion that men kill "for" sex in the same way that women kill "for" money/power. Killing someone to get an inheritance is different than killing them as part of a sexual assault that the perpetrator enjoys, right? The first requires a death to reap the benefit, whereas in the second…
Me too! I used to skip anything with formaldehyde, which most nail hardeners list as an ingredient.
This happened to a friend of mine recently, and I know she was floored. Her husband just didn't want to deal with it. He dropped her off and picked her up, but little more. She's well now (cervical cancer) and they didn't divorce, but I think it really changed the way she views him.
So formaldehyde is actually ok in nail polishes. Check here…
Oh my goodness...that article...
Yeah, I feel like it's always been the men rather than the ladies that are all about the big wangs. At some point it's just uncomfortable. Small ones do the job just fine.
Oh grandmama, don't you know it's a magical soap opera? It doesn't matter if you're living forever, nobody will notice.
It is sad. Nothing worse than preying on someone's loneliness.
I'm just glad Kanye is over his emo phase.