
Remember, Musk has his eyes on Mars.

Self-driving cars. That’s one solution.

Last earthquake I was in I didn’t feel. We were in a tunnel. Everyone at the surface of the cave was super worried. We never knew it happened.

As a replacement for traditional highways, it’s grossly expensive and inefficient. But in the context of hyperloop, tunneling underground does solve a lot of the logistical headaches inherent in the idea.

Meh. Still not as good as Ghoul Ana.

Hexadecimal skin plz?

According to the EULA:

I get told a lot that if a game allows something, bug or no, that it’s totally legal. Is this a kosher move on Blizzard’s part to reprimand people who took advantage of this when they let it go on this long? I would feel its safe to assume Blizzard knows how to rush a patch, having an MMO under their roof and all

Interesting, more of a fan of the Anger Ult.

“ can’t just hook someone, spin 180, and dump someone off a cliff.” 

I’m siding with Blizzard on this one. Maybe it’s because I don’t main Mei, but the altered ability effect seems like a pretty justifiable reason. She’s also in a winter skin year-round, so it’s not like her outfit needed to change a whole lot.