
That look when he asks you if you want to strip search and chill:

Rand Paul seems to be the only sensible individual when it comes to FP, but he needs to provide specifics on how to deal with ISIS.

Is this worth buying? how limited is the photo editing in this version?

Is this worth buying? how limited is the photo editing in this version?


$100 says the 6D engineers in charge of this was inspired by a bobblehead lol. And this:

Right, but that just means that your videos are being financed by the people who don’t use ad-block. I am all for removing ads from the business model altogether so the people with talent are also the people with the money needed to make quality content.

Well I know AdBlock exists but choose not to use it because I like to support content creators. I use Google Contribute to help take the edge of some ads. I would definitely pay for this service (since YouTube is 90% of my video intake) but I already have the Google Play Music subscription so I’m already gonna get it

To the best of my knowledge, ad-block shuts off the ad, so the content creator doesn’t get any revenue.

its simply; two armed criminals were filming a promotional video about camera people at a gas station that were hanged. They then threatened the the dead cameramen and the owner of the car while in the car and then they all went to there with great speed. The car was NOT a track and trace system...because it was a car.

If you think government workers would allow their union to not go on strike over having to stand up at their desks you’ve never been in a government office. Those fat cows don’t even stand up to move around, they scoot in their chairs across the office.

What a left-field comment - you still have your momentum from the Democratic debates? I’m thinking a more appropriate observation is that something recommended by Dr. Oz is declared bullshit, but then again, I’m not trying to pull politics into a non-political article.

I am still surprised that she is still considered such a viable candidiate. For those old enough to know her history is one thing, but those saying this is a nothing issue is ignoring the the complete lack of judgment on this. It’s one thing if she just used her gmail account a few times to many, but to go out of ones

Do not feed the troll... o.O

Go away troll.

So what you are saying is that you drove a used car and it didn’t handle like a new car.....

hrs what a erply loojs like beforr its editd.

Or you could ditch the car and put the extra money toward rent/mortgage closer to work. Between gas, insurance, registration/taxes, and car payments how much do you spend? If you are an “average” person (per this article…) you spend close to $10k/year on a car, which could net

1. It was heavily covered three months ago when Apple released it. There are about 1,600 hit for “apple music family plan” on Google. You’re welcome for doing this piddly bit of research you didn’t bother with before bitching.


That’s strange... Most of the jobs I’ve heard him talk about... Welders, pipefitters, plumbers, etc... make large amount of money. Especially compared to entry level jobs designed for dependents living at home with their parents. (Read: McDonalds or other fast food, for example) And with that in mind. There are plenty