
Why would whether or not they’re an organ donor be relevant? It’s their choice whether or not they want to be a donor, just like it’s their choice whether they want to wear a helmet.

$111 Million in federal subsidies for a town of 173,366 (in Chattanooga’s case) is indeed troublesome. If these efforts by municipalities can’t be accomplished without that much help from the feds, then they are not as feasible as the OP makes them out to be.

How much did it cost to implement, and did they receive federal subsidies like Chattanooga did?



Haters gonna hate.

Those two examples aren’t sold here in the states, are they?

Is there any advantage to a formalized major, or are programs mired in the past?

Unless you’re DOD, or a DOD contractor...

Yes. All of it.

DOD is quite a different story, as are contractors like Lockheed Martin.

That’s probably the case for much of the local and maybe even state governments here. But if you go up to the feds, specifically anything related to defense, homeland security, etc. it’s a different story.

Let me guess, the customer was government (or government contractor)?

What makes you shy away from the MINI as an “only” car?

I ask because I’ll be car shopping next Spring. Personally at this price point I’d be tempted to go with the Focus RS, if I can get my hands on one.

When I said I didn’t understand what the OP meant, I was referring to how he thought the wage difference was relevant here and why he would use it as a reason to dismiss Rowe’s comments.

Basically, I don’t see why he thinks Rowe is expecting people to relocate. Many of Rowe’s statements, including when he says“the jobs

I’m replying to you because you were agreeing with his point.

What does the wage difference have to do with Mike’s point about there being plenty of available skilled jobs out there, and why does it mean he has “an odd cognitive dissonance?”

There are skilled jobs out there. Some pay more than others. It has nothing to

When Rowe says “the jobs are out there” I’m pretty sure he’s not referring to the people who are already employed and making decent money. He wants to equip those who are unemployed/underemployed (or new to the workforce) with the skills needed to move into those open jobs. What does that have to do with “taking a

Not sure I understand what you’re trying to say. How can an unemployed person with no income take a “massive pay cut to relocate?”