Maybe their point is that this is another low-effort article.
Maybe their point is that this is another low-effort article.
Did you even look at the pictures from the bank cameras? Because, if that guy is wearing makeup, he didn’t just “slather it on.”
It’s a little late to claim he used makeup after you already came out and said you ‘shopped his picture.
It’s completely egregious. They have doctored evidence to improve their case.
Correct, I am assuming that a set-piece scenario out of an Agatha Christie novel (or was it Ellery Queen? Nero Wolfe? I forget) is orders of magnitude less likely than another example of the kind of shoddy “police” “work” that we have seen repeated dozens of times, even in the tiny percentage of cases where the cops…
Possibly they just want their conviction rate high because it makes someone up the chain who is elected look good. They care more about just throwing someone, anyone (who is black) in jail than they do about a robber going free or preventing any other.
“Why are the police and DA’s office helping a bank robber get away by framing someone? Why don’t they want to catch the person actually committing the crimes?”
They ain’t even the same color. lol
Eh, Opulence just kinda filled out the last corners in terms of the stuff available to do to stuff I actually want to do ratio. It was a cumulative effect.
Which is not The Tribute Hall. They’re two seperate things. Moments of Triumph (and the title attached) are part of the Solstice event. The Tribute Hall is a separate part of it tied to the Season of Opulence, not the Solstice.
Forsaken will get you everything but the annual pass content, which is separate. In september everything but Shadowkeep will become free to play with New Light becoming the base version of the game. If you want to see the Forsaken stuff before September, go with that. Otherwise, feel free to wait till New Light drops…
Nope, just another person trying to fit a square peg in a round hole after years of knowing better. Playing destiny alone and getting fed up with the grind is a tired complaint at this point.
Have you tried doing the quick level-up quests?
I’m less inclined to get Mountaintop for fear that sometime in the future, Bungie will just nerf it or grenade launchers back down to not be meta or boss-melting weapons again. Which is why I’m aiming for Recluse instead.
It was one of the pinnacle weapons from last season and the main reason people want it now is because it’s part of the meta for raids and such for damage dealing the bosses. Grenade launchers recently got a 50% buff to damage to make them more viable so now a straight firing, spike grenades grenade launcher in a Luna W…
It's an example of how we white people are experts at not looking at the non-white world. We're raised to just not even know if exists.
Let’s assume that this was actually a problem for her, and that she didn’t figure out a way to finesse $100 from every Becky, Becki, Rebeckah and Bex on Earth that discredited an entire culture. Let’s say this was genuinely a problem and solution she came up with completely independently...
I really don’t get how a person that had racist experiences growing up can sit on Fox news, especially a supposedly respectable journalist Hes stated his own parents had to change the spelling of their last name to avoid bigotry and racism. Same shit Martin Sheen had to do to get ahead in Hollywood. Its sick and sad…
“But I’m one of the GOOD ones! You said I’d be safe!”
See, all these idiots thought they transcended the color of their skin.