Look, man, I don’t care about your comments, other than that they are a fascinating revelation into an incredibly odd point of view. Like, real ignorance and circular logic kind of thinking.
Look, man, I don’t care about your comments, other than that they are a fascinating revelation into an incredibly odd point of view. Like, real ignorance and circular logic kind of thinking.
Ah yes. The crowd of kids wearing racist headwear screaming at an old man with a drum were right all along and those of us (and OUR journalists) who watched them do it were wrong. This is a great take and I am quite interested in your opinions on who did what on September 11, 2001.
Omg thank you! I agree. It’s amazing that the racist taunts just get pushed aside when its realized they didn’t start the incident. It’s amazing that the folks in the indigenous March managed for an hour to ignore the assholes, but the white school kids (with adult chaperones) can’t do the same after a few minutes??
The only thing any of the new videos changes for me is that I now see that the MAGA kids weren’t aggressors (although they definitely wildly escalated both confrontations). That said, I still think they’re smug, racist chuds.
Come on, give them a break, they’re just ignorant kids from one KY’s largest cities. It’s not like there’s now footage of Covington Catholic students attending a basketball game in blackface that’s straight out of a minstrel show...
If you watch the loooong video, the five BHI men came there to harass the Indigenous Peoples March attendees. They were harassing Native people for an hour before the CCH group even showed up, and were largely either ignored or laughed at for their trouble, because that’s how you deal with a loudmouthed jackass if…
What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.
I’ve lived in NYC for 21 years, and been harassed on the street by the Black Israelites literally hundreds of times in that period. Weirdly, I never felt the urge to do anything other than walk away. Strange how easy that is.
You’re right, but they’ve been doing that stupid shit for ages and making no sense in the process. They’re koo koo. But I’m sure to the teens, they were a new sight.
I started to type a long rebuttal but your lack of self-awareness makes that futile. You’re literally, literally being the person I mentioned in my first comment who you are simultaneously claiming doesn’t exist. Good day, sir.
You are literally, in this comment, speaking on behalf of the exact white liberal who thinks identity politics need to be left aside. If you acknowledge the problem of police killing black teenagers, you’re a big piece of shit if you go, “well I don’t agree with that but I think you should focus on me a little more.”
“53% of white women will tell you they don’t have a racist bone in their body before proving that they’re racist to the core.”
I don't know about you, but I've managed to 'literally exist' without being THAT kid. If you can't see why that behavior is problematic, you're an idiot.
But...but...I was told racism officially ended with the election of obama. Don’t you remember how all the whites were so happy with him as president,
Isn’t Boston the place where they still mock black ball players, even on their own team? Oh, that’s just those ‘spots” that pop up here and there.
And plenty of them on the left blame “identity politics”. Like they hate billionaires, but they hate their black and brown counterparts asking for attention just as much.
I don’t understand how someone can acknowledge that Trump is a racist and still maintain that racism is only a minor problem in America, as if he’s just a particularly loud-mouthed individual. Millions of people agreed that a racist should be the most powerful person in the country, how does he square that with his…
They blame wealthy whites. Black people didn’t outsource the jobs. Black people don’t hire illegal labor. Black people didn’t slow wage growth. They know which did.
MLK’s comments on white liberals and the desire for “quiet” over “justice” are really the absolute most important concepts to get across to white people, in my opinion. Those are the ones that challenge me to be a much better person. Probably precisely because those are challenges to the myopic aversion to discussing…