
I get that supporting black media is important and all but just because there aren’t a ton of black characters in a show doesn’t mean it’s not worth watching for “colored” folk. Like if i was only allowed to watch Roots, Madea movies, How Stella got her groove back, Roc, Good times, The wire etc. I would be a

Does he have fore knowledge? Doesn’t seem to demonstrate it? It seems like he can use the knowledge of the past to make assumptions of events in the future, but we haven’t really seen him do anything to suggest he has future knowledge yet. 

He really didnt work well as bait. He literally could have been anywhere and the battle would have worked the same. Bran’s power and abilities were useless the entire battle. He could have warged into crows earlier and noticed there was a wall of fucking wights and maybe passed a word or two on to the Dothraki before

You misspelled racists. 

It’s not particularly accurate, as the catchall term Supremacist is more than accurate enough to describe what they believe, the nationalist term is a smoke screen and only serves to further their purpose of mainstreaming white supremacy. Only reason to insist upon “white nationalist” is to appear to create an air of

It’s softer because people are less familiar with it. White supremacy implies domination where as white nationalism just sounds like you’re patriot but, for white people. If you follow through with the logic and really analyze what white nationalism is trying to accomplish, then yea it’s just as abhorrent, but to most

So why afford them the complexity and nuance, the result of which creates an air of intellectual legitimacy?

Completely disagree, white nationalist and white supremacist want the same thing. Unless white nationalist hope to achieve their goals through some form of “peaceful ethnic cleansing” its not gonna happen and just about every “white separatist” and “white nationalist” promote racial violence, and white supremacist

There is none functionally but people have deluded themselves into thinking that there needs to be a distinction. 

No, i’m quite acquainted with the term... There are alot of older terms that have been trotted out within the recent resurgence of overt white supremacy in the last decade or so like “cultural marxism” aka cultural bolshevism, but their mainstream re-appearance in the last decade or so stems from a concerted effort by

Eh, no stuff like this is just as bad as the fashion industry promoting fake an unattainable beauty. This is just the reverse of anorexia and is just as harmful. I get that being liberal means we should be inclusive to everyone, and no one should have to feel bad about their body or be made fun of for it, but

I mean i’m pretty progressive, and don’t really kink shame, but shit like this really shouldn’t be mainstreamed, the whole pro-obesity thing seems more like a ploy by mega corps to get people to feel comfortable with shoveling another big mac down their gullet and not feel bad about it later due to “body positivity”.


It is for them, they invented the term specifically to create a distinction and the media ran with it because they’re afraid of losing viewers and rarely speak the truth now. 

because that’s what they want ... and mainstream media is afraid to call people racist aka white supremacist because it will enrage half the country. 

White nationalist was a term created by neo nazi’s specifically to distance themselves from the poisoned term of white supremacist. Not to sound accusatory but you’re kind of doing readers a disservice by normalizing the term that they created for themselves to soften their image. This is a term they invented to

White nationalism and white supremacy are the same shit. Just call a spade a spade. No such thing as peaceful ethnic cleansing. All they did was rebrand white supremacy as white nationalism so people like you can get hung-up on semantics, the core of their ideas hinge on white supremacy. Dont get caught up in their PR

If you look at the development history of alot of these games, especially with Destiny, they spend alot of time dicking around with engines that don’t work very well and as a result can’t get basic shit to work. They spend most of their time trouble shooting stuff and therefore can’t really test alot of the systems

I can, not that hard to extrapolate if you pay attention. You can see what major publishers want, and what they’re willing to do in order to get there. They want continuous streams of income that will allow them to continue to extract payments from consumers long after they paid for their initial game. This would

Because of what imperatorvult indicated so eloquently and because being labeled racist has real world implications. People can lose their jobs etc. and white people don’t want to pay the bill that’s been long overdue. Hence why they get so offended.

I have on good intel that booker is a bottom lol no lies.