
White nationalism and white supremacy are the same shit. Just call a spade a spade. No such thing as peaceful ethnic cleansing. All they did was rebrand white supremacy as white nationalism so people like you can get hung-up on semantics, the core of their ideas hinge on white supremacy. Dont get caught up in their PR

If you look at the development history of alot of these games, especially with Destiny, they spend alot of time dicking around with engines that don’t work very well and as a result can’t get basic shit to work. They spend most of their time trouble shooting stuff and therefore can’t really test alot of the systems

I can, not that hard to extrapolate if you pay attention. You can see what major publishers want, and what they’re willing to do in order to get there. They want continuous streams of income that will allow them to continue to extract payments from consumers long after they paid for their initial game. This would

Because of what imperatorvult indicated so eloquently and because being labeled racist has real world implications. People can lose their jobs etc. and white people don’t want to pay the bill that’s been long overdue. Hence why they get so offended.

I have on good intel that booker is a bottom lol no lies. 

Booker is gay, he was fooling around with a staffer who is a cousin of mine. They’ve been fooling around for years. He should just come out and admit it. Straight up not a rumor lol. Something we joked about for years.

Alot of people in congress and sentate are pretty gay, but they know its politcal suicide so they

Booker is Gay, the rumors are true. Plenty of Republicans in congress are gay too. Doesn’t matter if they pay for beard or not. Already know you’re gonna sneer as soon as you read this but, a cousin of mine worked for Booker (who was gay) and they’ve been fucking for years. They worked very closely together for years

lol lower speed limits do more to cause accidents than prevent them.

you misspelled bad.

Masterchief Collection is what happens when a studio pushes out a game that isn’t ready.
These guys really shouldn’t be lauded for continuing to work on the game, the game should have never shipped in that state in the first place. 

You’re pretty much the reason they keep making remasters... Please stop.
Unless there have been significant improvements to a game on an updated console (i.e. Resident Evil 2 Remake) I almost never re-purchase a game. I’d rather emulate it or go back and play it on one of the older consoles I still own. There’s legit

That’s because it was on the wii which was shit. If they had it on any other console people would still be talking about it today. The only games that ever succeed on Nintendo Consoles are Nintendo Games. Nintendo does everything in its power to stymie competition on their consoles as well which is another reason why

Really don’t understand why people are sending money to send kids to a stupid Marvel movie about an over powered white woman. There are plenty of other movies they should be seeing or other events they should be participating in that are more relevant to them. Marvel movies have shit values not really worth passing on

What does the fact that she’s racist, homophobic, event disrupting , copying other peoples act asshole, and the fact that she most likely planned this whole stuff from the beginning with offset for social justice publicity credits have to do with all this ? Is that what you’re asking? 

They’re both immature. They’re made for each other. Nick Minaj Cardi B is an asshole and undeserving of defense. She’s disrupted events in similar fashion, shes been on record calling dark skin blacked women roaches, defended homophobic comments from other rappers (like her husband/ ex).

So honestly she’s not worthy

She ain’t no champion of equality, shes been on record calling dark skinned women roaches and making other transphobic comments, she also defended her husband making homophobic lyrics. In addition to being a shitty Nicki Minaj copy cat, she’s also disrupted events to start drama and get publicity and I wouldn’t put it

It’s cardi b tho....who cares? If it wasn’t for this she probably wouldn’t even be a headline. She’s lucky someone gives a damn about her copycat, drama starting ass. How many events has she disrupted already trying to start drama for the sake of publicity?

Not only that, she’s been on record calling dark skinned

I mean misandry is real pal. But whatever. Not everything is about the patriarchy and I’m huge into critical studies and critical theory, so fuck you in the ear with an aids dick in advance with whatever bullshit you’re gonna accuse me in reply. 

Dude shut off his social media accounts and you go into a diatribe about

or you can accept humans beings are imperfect, complex, yet still worth interacting with.

All aren’t but most of are, and not a single one is coming out of the woodwork to claim the contrary, there’s no way you can claim to be a moral person and support conservative politics in this country.

Conservatism in this country has ALWAYS been a smoke screen for discrimination, and all the other bs surrounding