
Those artists don’t get compensated at all for their work. Publishers do. Publishers have very little interest in kicking back any of their profits to the people who make and create games. How is this any different from how an arcade operates? You purchase a game, not a license, then charge people to play that game,

Cops have the guns.

Stop dating white guys .... plenty of uncircumcised dudes in the latino community.

That’s a completely different from saying they get a taste of what it’s like to be a minority.

I conceded that already. Helvetica and Avenir are not native to windows.

Saying white people get a taste of what POC experience is basically saying they experience discrimination. They haven’t. The only thing white people experienced is people giving less a fucks about whiteness and not investing stock in white authority. That’s not something POC have had to experience. Just cautioning you

Where the fuck did that come from, had nothing to do with what KC was saying. It was pretty obvious why Trump won and you keep coming back saying that wasn’t the case. If Trump didn’t win due to the overwhelming amount of evidence we’ve had in two years saying it was racism and sexism then what was it? He had help

Thats what other white people want to believe so they can convince themselves that white people as a whole aren’t racist, just misguided. but it was straight up good ol’ fashioned racism bro, nothing else.

Trump won because under Barack Obama mediocre white people got a taste of what it’s like to be a minority

PC version of Evil Within 2 runs VERY poorly on many machines, do yourself a favor and do some research and consideration before picking this up on PC. There are alot of threads online about poor optimization. I debated whether I would purchase the second based on how the first game was gimped due to “console parity”

PC version of Evil Within 2 runs VERY poorly on many machines, do yourself a favor and do some research and

To be fair Bangkok is really fucking hot. They’re probably trying to stay as cool as possible so they dont disolve into a puddle of sweat. People coming from colder climes aren’t going to be able to adapt instantly.

Who has the guns? The cops or swatters?

You can TELL dude what you want, you can be a dominant partner in bed. If a dude is doing something you do not like, don’t use “non verbal cues” to tell him, open your goddamn mouth and tell him to fuck properly. Or get off your fat cottage cheese riddled as and get on top of him to control the fucking. There are a

Please stop with this man hating bullshit. This is what drives gullible, less discerning idiots into stupid shit like the MRA.

Just because someone doesn’t have the sexual organ one is attracted to doesn’t mean they should be written off as their target gender. As it is, Gender != Sex. Because using that logic, I’m a guy...

Arc System works releases too many games, that’s why no one plays their shit. Who is going to spend years and dedicate time to learning one of their games when in 6 months to a year they’re just going to release another version with minor updates? This is the same shit that happened in the 90's during the first

Westerners don’t like blazblue because of all the DLC, the 7 or 8 different versions of the game releasing in rapid succession with minimal improvements. People want to get behind a platform, not have to buy a new game every year. Everytime they release a new game or a bunch of DLC they fragment the community and make

He’s not making fun of them, he just thinks they suck at the game. Making fun of them would imply he said something derogatory, or chided westerners for not excelling at evo.

Depends on the region you’re in, the NYC, DC, NJ , PA drag shows either have comedy queens ( Bianca Del Rio ) or like pageant / fishy drag queens. The passability has more to do with the skill tier of the performer. But there are also specific shows that cater to various subsets of the community where you will see