
Exactly and fuckers are out here trying to defend this type of behavior are saying that it’s just a fact of life or a trade off.

what is ACAB ? And agreed. These cops are blood thirsty and trigger happy and don’t deserve to wear a badge. You shouldn’t be able to count on cops to kill someone and act as a tax payer funded hit squad. Cops have had to deal with swatting for quite a few years now, this should be a wakeup call for police forces

The fact that there is a high possibility the cops will shoot and kill innocent people should be deeply appalling and shed’s light on the decline of police standards in recent years.

They’ve killed people swatting before quite recently in fact... read the news.

You can not blame the cops in this situation,

There’s plenty of data out there that suggests the way organized police forces are run is pretty corrupt and lacks over sight and that police forces regularly over step their bounds when dispensing bullets justice.

fuck off

Yea it really does.

Who pulled the trigger? You should be angry that cops have become a hit squad that can be deployed at anytime by dialing 911. It’s ridiculous.

Attention directed at the police for which has become an organized hit squad in this country. It’s baffling you can now dial a murder. Calling the cops shouldn’t be akin to “attempted murder”.

That speaks more about our police force and how shitty and poorly trained cops are than it does about society and the people that do this. You’d figure there would be a huge congressional hearing or something calling for exhaustive over sight on how cops deploy their storm troopers after someone was murdered in their

To do it for Steam’s thousands of submissions and more or less acting as the God of the PC Gaming realm, deciding which company lives or dies on the back of their submissions would be a crazy burden to put on them.

You can’t really prevent that noise and the real issue is that there’s no reliable way to get people to try great content they might love.

Problem with steam is that alot of games released on steam are utter garbage shovelware designed to exploit the system since people basically pay to put their game on steam. Steam gets a cut of the money and revenue and these “developers” load 100 metric tons of garbage into the market place using unity engine asset

Just takes dedication and practice. Alot of people give up because becoming good at a fighting game isn’t something that happens over night, It takes years. There are plenty of YouTube videos out there now that can teach you some of the more esoteric mechanics, this is a huge advantage that wasn’t available years ago.

Overwatch doesn’t really want to be a competitive game that’s why. They want overwatch to appeal to casual players as well as the hardcore and it’s the appeal to casual players which ultimately sets it back. Everytime you hear someone go “it’s just quickplay bro!” is why this game will never evolve where it is today

That’s never gonna happen. The black community is more interested in assigning blame rather than figuring out solutions and has been for several decades now. White people have been fucking us for over 300 years both figuratively and literally and it’s not going to get any better unless we have more stand up

Colorism has been a problem in most cultures but more so here in the US, which is why we need everyone to be proud of their skin color and culture. Why we need to call that shit whenever we see it. This shit infects everything even, effects men of color too. How many dating app profiles do you see out there that say

Has nothing to do with anything i said nor refutes anything I said, but keep pushing those ad hominem attacks.

Shouldn’t someone mention that all of these hacks are paid by CNN to be a contrarian and that they’re basically just actors fulfilling a role?