
Isnt that a sweeping generalization? I find that tons of workplaces are perfectly comfortable with racial slurs until some blog or newspaper writes a story about it.

There’s so much bullshit in that statement we could fertilize all the farms in the USA with it for 20 years.

That guy was full of shit and feigning ignorance to troll.

False, hackers hack every game on console, the prominence of which depends solely on how many people are aware of it. There were plenty of hackers on the PS3 when I still played on console and some of their hacks would even corrupt your save file when it happened.

There was plenty of cheaters in COD, Borderlands 1&2, Dead Island. Some of the cheats in Borderlands would permanently ruin your game.

that’s what they want you to think ...

Firstly, there’s no such thing as reverse racism and you bringing it up exposes your complete ignorance on matters of race. There’s no institutionalized system in place to oppress white people. White people are still the majority in every position of power and institution, therefore can’t claim they are being

Not being involved in slavery doesn’t absolve white people from being racist. No one alive today really had anything to do with slavery yet the white people alive today benefit from the systemic racism established as the foundation of their societies. They benefit from a system of privilege maintained by them.

1. Yea they’re still privileged, I’ll tell them straight to their face.

Yea that’s grade A nuclear weapons grade bullshit there my friend. There’s so much data showing endemic racism in society and how you’re at a disadvantage from birth and have to work twice as hard compared to your white counterparts that i’m surprised you have the stone to say something like that.

Somebody should cause the shit isn’t funny. People always act shocked and surprised when I explain to them how racist the gay community is. Blacks get it the worst. White people don’t see non-whites as people, so they never consider them as friends, colleagues or sexual partners. I have so many white friends where I’m

Dissidia is hot garbage and the fact that they want to make it an eSport proves how out of touch Square-Enix is with game development trends. It’s confusing to watch and just as confusing to play.

You mean King ?

If you are so convinced that anomaly tools are out of bounds, I’m surprised that you would even know so much about them.

No, I wasn’t saying you were. I was just letting you know that I’m not going to put my foot in my mouth regarding how glamourous her hairstyle is or isn’t.

Well, anyone can throw anything together, whether or not it looks good is the real question. That shot would have been fine as an interior piece, but not very interesting on a magazine cover. Her hair style is very common amongst black women, especially in the US.

It would have been very difficult and not look very good. Would love to see your examples. Honestly, she should have worn a different hairstyle. She’s had better do’s before. That’s not something you wear to a photoshoot, that’s something I can see you going to work in or doing casual stuff, not being glamorous.

Composition wise, the one they picked does look better. I’m all for natural hair styles, in fact I even encouraged my mom to stop perming (relaxing) her hair and embrace her natural kinks and curls ( and she looks better and better every day since the perm has been growing out ). But honestly, that hair style Ms

Has more to do with composition than it does editorializing. You do a closeup and you risk having these weird protrusions from her head with no real given explanation . Because of the size of her “hair” it’s really difficult to get a good composition without it looking like shit. If it were an interior shot of a

I had this happen to me a couple of times. Once on a Minecraft server and another time in Warframe. IT sounds like you met this dude and left after a few days or weeks. At least you didn’t spend months with the guy like I did before you find this shit out.