Just because someone doesn’t like Bernie, doesn’t mean they liked Hillary either FYI ....
Just because someone doesn’t like Bernie, doesn’t mean they liked Hillary either FYI ....
I dont think a game library can determine what I’m interested in. It would never be able to tell if I enjoyed a game or not or whether i was really interested in it or not. Movies are about the only medium that can be sorta accurately predicted given that there are so many of them and its not hard for someone to…
No seriously fuck those people. If they want to go goof off and annoy people because they dont want to play the game as it’s intended to be enjoyed then they can go fuck off to a custom game with either friends or with bots.
They do have cool downs and timers and shit. People dedicate themselves to be doing douchlords and do everything possible to circumvent the timer.
Ball is behind the kid. Simple explanation.
Most likely the car was turning at the exact moment the car in the foreground was turning. The truck on the left covered the car until the exact moment the car foreground car passed near it blocking it from our point of view. The car would have been visible in plain sight if we were closer in front.
No, They don’t.
But you’re not seeing that until after you’ve clicked the link and even then the print is tiny enough and placed in easy to miss positions so that you don’t really notice the disclaimers.
But you’re not seeing that until after you’ve clicked the link and even then the print is tiny enough and placed in…
And whose fault is that?
How would we even be able to determine if immigrants were illegal or not if people just come and go as they pleased ? We have an open border with Canada and people are free to come and go as they please and nothing is changed as a result.
Aren’t you legally obligated to state that this is a paid advertisement ? Seems like this is breaking some advertising laws by not disclosing that this is a paid advertisement.
Aren’t you legally obligated to state that this is a paid advertisement ? Seems like this is breaking some…
The EU has an open border policy. We have a mostly open border policy with Canada as well. So if the people that lived across our Southern Border were white, pretty sure no one would give a shit. So if it isn’t racism then what is it ?
Who say’s they aren’t working on those stories or contacting people? EA employees might refuse or be unable to give their opinions due to NDA (which is highly probable). Also map updates for most games are boring and banal.
haha thanks, and no. I wanted something that seemed comforting when they received a notification from me. I should have picked you’re very best friend.
There’s a lot of sophistry, fallacies and erroneous information in your argument but, given the fact that you presented it from the perspective that you’re already “right” means things like logic and reason aren’t going to work here. Especially since you’ve already made yourself a hypocrite by invoking hubris while…
First off you’re wrong. Plenty of countries in Europe have open borders ... that’s the entire concept of the EU. Most Scandinavian countries have VERY lax immigration policies as well as the Swiss and various other countries around the world with policies that are more accepting of immigrants than the USA. Which is…
How did you grandparents get here? Alot of the programs that let Latino’s in before don’t exist anymore. Even then the one’s that still exist only let in limited numbers from specific countries. Like Cuban’s who were let in when Castro Exiled literal boat loads in the 80's, and now every Cuban talks shit about other…
No because the system is designed to put you at a disadvantage from every turn. It forces you to buy more and more until you get what you want. You can’t trade what you don’t want. Lootboxes intentionally fill themselves with undesirable “junk” so diminish the chance of you actually getting something you do want. It’s…