
yea isn’t that just the stupidest name ever ? I can think of at least 10 different names that would be 100 times better in just ten seconds.

Samurai Flash
Judgement Cut
Bushido Showdown
Blade Clash
Red Mist
Art of the Kill
Akai Kiri ( red mist in japanese)
Kiru ( verb for to cut in japanese)
Kenzaku ( swordsmen in

Uber is a stop gap measure, it was never intended to be a full-time source of labor. It was originally pitched as something you do in your spare time or something to do when you feel like sharing a ride (car pool) and make a little bit of extra dosh on the side. It morphed into some sort of proto-taxi cab company and

It’s a valid way to make money, but like i said, they’re just exploiting a service, a bad one at that which has the potential to dissolve into nothingness if the algorithm that feeds users to their stream gets altered or if youtube decides to change it’s monetization scheme. It’s less reliable than freelance because

Twitch barely competes with YouTube and you need at least 100,000 subscribers before you’re even allowed to profit from twitch. They serve semi related but ultimately different market sectors. Twitch only serves game streamers at that and has a limited scope as far as content goes. If twitch were really that

It’s YouTube’s market. You can’t peddle your wares to anyone else but YouTube. That’s why being a youtuber isn’t a real job. You can make lots of money gambling, and you have to report your gambling income to the IRS as well but that doesn’t make that a real job either. If the casinos go away your gambling skills

I disagree.

They aren’t real jobs because there’s no protection or standards for your employment in place and most importantly THEY ARE NOT DEPENDABLE. It’s a job in the same vein as a gold farmer in wow, or someone who makes money by making transactions in a video game by selling loot on the side. You’re completely beholden to

Now playing

Even if you were right about the product of military spending being useless, all you’re really doing by creating those useless jobs is diverting resources from somewhere else. Resources which would have created real, meaningful jobs.

Alot. They are founded on the princple of white christian hegemony. They even burn crosses on people’s lawns. The cross is a symbol of christian faith. It’s not a T for time to get out ...

The KKK are Christians .... They’re also straight up oppose judiasm and islam in favor of Christianity because they believe white christiandom deserves hegemony over the the USA and the world. Why the HELL do you think they leave burning crosses on people’s lawns ? Because it’s a T for time to get out ? No ....  

All of my best games/ winning streaks happened because we were all on the same page, communicating and working together. You can’t be successful in overwatch if you dont communicate.

Yea cause you know I’m right...

There’s plenty of unbiased studies citing violent videogames have no correlation with violent behavior and in many cases actually decrease it.

I mean, I grew up playing stuff like mortal kombat and resident evil and turned out fine. My parents also let me watch horror movies and 80's era rated R movies. Obviously I was being hyperbolic but for the most part, video games are for everyone. You seem out of touch....

It’s poor sportsmanship and shows a lack of dignity and honor which is something that shouldn’t be allowed in tournaments. You wouldn’t be allowed to do this in any other competition because it demeans the integrity of the sport as well as the players. You dont see people tea bagging their opponents in MMA fights.

For those that think this sort of behavior is acceptable, ask yourself, would this be allowed in a real sport ? If the answer to that question is no, then why should it be allowed in an E-Sport? Gamers want people to take competitive gaming seriously then they allow unsportsmanlike crap like this to go unflagged its

Parents buy their kids COD and GTA all the time.... Just ops post comes off as weird and dismissive and a bit out of touch considering video games are for everyone.

Given that Mario Kart already limits the amount of complexity in the game there’s not alot of room for competitive play which is why the series is waning and why people really dont talk about it or care about it as much like they do with Smash. I mean, drifting across a corner is the slowest way to get around a turn

Those military manufacturing jobs aren’t there for the sake of providing jobs, they’re there to create value in the form of preparedness and deterrent. Of course we hope we will never need or use the items they produce, but we produce them nonetheless because if some major world event happens and you need to go to war

Finesse and control add an extra layer of difficulty and skill. Freestyle rapping while it would make the game more difficult in a sense doesn’t really fall in line with the theme of the game which is ... you know racing. The key theme with most racing games is about being efficient and utilizing advanced precision