
Basically another $700 lump of plastic that will be selling at a swap meet for $6 in 15 years.

Too many moving parts = much more to break down. Solution by BMW: a billion more moving parts.


Solution 1: Spend a great deal of money and time trying to stop innovation in foreign countries.

Zelda is set to launch with the new system, not the Wii-U.

0% chance this will ever be made. PR nightmare with the yearly pushback date. Since they started, Elio has never had a finalized product, their “expected crash test” ratings based on nothing, they don’t have an engine still, and of course the cabin noise level is unacceptable (imagine sitting on a tin box housing a

The republican plan would be to let states tax roads and build infrastructure from those taxes. Of course, that will never happen. Roads will be taxed but the money lines the pockets of the elite.

What colors do they come in?

Just.. no. Absolutely wrong from start to finish.

Here’s a tip: Don’t say BBQ when you mean grill! BBQ is low and slow, takes hours and hours, meat falls off the bone, grilling is quick and hot.

More people die from smoking than not getting a vaccine......

Yet we have 480,000 self inflicted deaths annually by smoking...

No mention of the aptera?

This should be combined with Mortal Kombat.

We got a way to make you fat and fake pills to sell you to trim you down, that’s why you are broke and fat!

The bottom line is anti-GMO nuts are as crazy as anti vaxxers.

Generally a good idea to see how much new brush heads cost before buying one of these. At $29 for 3 new brush heads, you decide. Seems a little steep to me.

Generally a good idea to see how much new brush heads cost before buying one of these. At $29 for 3 new brush heads,

"Sorry, We can't find this Item. Please check your Item#."

"Sorry, We can't find this Item. Please check your Item#."

That's the equivalent of 1600 Watts. You are better off with 2 1500 lumen bulbs.

That's the equivalent of 1600 Watts. You are better off with 2 1500 lumen bulbs.

What would you use a 40 watt equivalent for??? Too dim, not useful.

What would you use a 40 watt equivalent for??? Too dim, not useful.