
Haven't even seen it once, and I'm okay with that.

Requiem would be my pick as well.

Aronofsky is one my favorite living directors, but I've seen this film once and only once, and will likely never see it again. My friends and I made the mistake of watching it together once it hit DVD. We sat there, dead silent for the entire runtime. We sat silently through the

Ummmm...This is one of those movies that would take me years to get sick of watching.

It wasn't even half as bad as people thought it would. I had a lot of fun! Now I don't want to see it again.

I saw The Avengers the first time in theater and I seriously enjoyed it. Like, a lot. Then I watched it again after it was released on BluRay and struggled to pay attention. It certainly didn't lessen my enjoyment of it, and I consider it an incredibly entertaining flick, but I doubt I could watch it again — at least

I thought this was a great movie. Very entertaining... beautiful landscapes. But, I think one viewing is enough.

Satan would choose this movie.

Not Daffy Duck?

Lucas ALWAYS ignored the EU as he pleased. Recently, he forced The Clone Wars to change the Sith homeworld's name from Korriban to Morriband because he liked Morriband better No other reasons .

"I like the way that rolls out. Wile E. Coyote... Suu-per Gee-nius!"

Luke's got a blue lightsaber, so it would pretty much have to be.

My guess is they will be getting rid of everything post-ROTJ.

Two Empire/Dark side novels? Cool.

Well, he does have 2 hands, so I'd guess before ESB

I'd have to agree - between ANH and ESB, based purely on the blue lightsaber.

I haven't read a SW novel in a long time... a long time. But a Luke-centric canonical story might just bring me back. I wonder what the timeframe is for this? Based on the cover image I would guess between ANH and ESB—anyone know for sure?

It's really not that different from what we've seen.

So is the benefit of the ALL NEW ALL DIFFERENT EU that the books will be equally canon with the movies, so we can get away from the silly "canon hierarchy" that we've had until now?

Tomodachi Life has the same hard, capitalist core as Animal Crossing: spend and earn, spend and earn, acquiring an ever-expanding selection of pointless yet still unfathomably desirable items. Making your Miis happy earns you money - their smiles are, cumulatively, worth a thousand pounds. But also like Animal