
I'd wait until the Cheney-Bush Intelliborg that rules us now is overthrown or unelected.

Replying to promote...

I don't care enough to go thru the trouble.

I echo the concerns of others here w.r.t. choosing how & where & why I login and and which account I use. And this "oh yeah it's more secure" BS is just that. Cuz nothing untowards ever happens with security on the Internets.

Oh hells yes, lay it on us...

Yeah, no shit. I'm shocked to learn that there is such an animal as a "rejected Star Wars [insert item name here]"

That image gets me every time.

Mein fuhrer, I can CLUCK!

Am I alone in my opinion of AJ as a self-absorbed pretentious blowhard who would have turned Dune into equally pretentious hippy-tinged bullshit a la Zardoz meets Barbarella with a bunch of bullshit plot changes thrown in for shock value under the guise of being "artsy" and cutting-edge?

Unflattering, hell! Look at Barbara just standing there: she owns it, baby. I'd wear one of them jumpsuits on a daily basis if I could find one.

I heartily agree with and fully endorse this image. Not that you should necessarily seek out or give a shit about my opinion, just sharing my enthusiasm for Ms. Schell and her, uh, talents.

Now playing

If they were smart they'd totally keep the 70's vibe: flared pants, big hair & miniskirts for the chicks, 'staches for the dudes. Only way this is gonna be entertaining, else it's just gonna be some sucky version of BG.

Yeah, funny how nobody else seems to have picked up on that.

Well, this fella think's Adele is one gorgeous honey, and Karl Lagerschmuck can go fuck himself.

Aw just think of yer mom.

Whilst I generally deplore generalizations, as they tend to confirm the generalizor's lazy thinking, I cannot help but agree with this one.

Aw great, now this is gonna be in my head all afternoon.

Don't get 'em confused with Zeppelins, though. Them guys are total fascists.