Your Name Here

This violence against unarmed black men will not stop until police officers are held accountable by actually serving prison time. I don’t care about cops and body cameras. I don’t care about cops charges pressed against them. I want CONVICTIONS. This young man was assaulted and the assailants should be convicted.

THANK YOU. For some reason no one is addressing this fact: gifts to ANY LIFE EVENT are optional and at the discretion of those invited.

The whole thing from kidnapping to now revolves around the cult called the LDS.

I’m excited to see how Jenner looks! I think he is helping a lot of trans people and I wish him every happiness.

Um, you know how we all learned how to get out of bras without removing our shirts? It’s kind of like that. In a weird contitionist kind of way. And only works if the romper is roomy. (if you’re an old you’ll see what I did there)

A lot of the answer is right there in your second sentence.

This makes me sad since I really love these two women, as actresses and the characters they play.

I’m getting a rash just looking at it. I can’t wear most jewelry without breaking out. It sounds obnoxious, but I can only wear gold and sterling silver.

It’s her third wedding. You think she’d be better at this by now.

Those of us who’ve experienced the fallout of molestation within religious families, back me up here. The religious institution will almost always take the side of the abuser, even elevate them as “forgiven by Jesus himself and is now saved,” and practically excommunicate the abused, especially if the victims are

I am so glad I gave this show up.

Paul is better on this than most Democrats, especially HRC.

All condolences welcome.

Christianity is adapting and changing. As a young Christian, I see the massive cultural shifts that are happening in the community. There’s a growing number of Christians who are just fine with the Church not being this all-reaching, pervasive institution that it has been. There’s a growing number of Christians who

I dunno... seemed relevant...

Well I was lucky that I was pulled over truthfully-I was arrogant and young, something that, I assume by your tone, you have never been. Also unless Winston Churchill is me, I didn’t steal this story from anyone. Just because the burn was stolen from him -many burns *are* reappropriated. What makes something a burn is

build from the bottom up.

All the “I really don’t feel so great voting for her BUT...” comments make me ill.

Anybody But Clinton or Bush.

And when Kim holds clothing sales for charity online (the ones where only 10% of the proceeds actually go to charity), that charity is her mother’s church.