Your left shoulder

The pessimist in me sees the Trump rally-ers going around popping balloons in that case.

And a Silver Alert would go out for Bill, entranced and wandering the streets alone

This whole fucking country is turning into that “YOU, ALL RIGHT? I LEARNED IT BY WATCHING YOU!” drug PSA.

Same here. People have argued that unwanted groping isn’t sexual assault (“who didn’t do something like that in college?”) and that Trump wouldn’t harass any of his accusers anyways because they’re not pretty enough.

Do you remember a simpler time when the word ‘pussygate’ was just what my husband called the bedroom doorway?

A video comes out that every single person in America (including Trump and his supporters) shows horrible behavior.

Are we surprised? The misogynists of the world now think they are the majority. We’re not only going to see blatantly misogynistic rhetoric applauded as ‘refreshing’ and ‘truthful’, but we’re going to see domestic violence and rape skyrocket.

Oh, please, they’re not riddled with disease. Everyone knows neckbeards can’t get laid.

I’m a little... okay a LOT pissed that you’re put into the position here, on this site FFS!, of having to dismiss the mentally and emotionally stunted chickenshits who are posting ugly responses. I wish I could do it for you.

And what man would that be? The man who is now our President Elect, who threw temper tantrums about not conceding, it all being rigged, and started a fucking lawsuit because he didn’t think it was fair that people who were in line to vote got to vote? The fragile white men (this does not let the white women who voted

Yesterday I went out and was super paranoid. Today is no different. I want to fight back but this is a spectacularly painful blow. I feel betrayed by my neighbors even. Its hard when you arent in a big metropolitan city like NYC and youre a POC in a small white suburb. The threat is so much larger. Ugh. I am so

I’m very disappointed with Bernie’s responses and nearly broke my tv and remote the other morning when Michael Moore was going on about poor misunderstood white men.

<3 Focus on taking care of yourself. I'm so sorry that you've been through all of that and that this disaster triggered your trauma. How is your support network, psychiatric and personal?

Firstly, my sincere apologies for what you’ve gone through. Words can’t express how much I feel for you, and wish I could do something to help out beyond my sympathy. Please, however, don’t feel guilt. Nobody’s any good to anybody unless they take care of themselves and show themselves the same love and understanding

I agree with Poodletime. Take care of yourself and do what you need to do to feel healthy and strong. And if that means sticking to small acts of individual, interpersonal kindness and inclusiveness, those are more important now than ever. Those who can be at the demonstrations will be there for you, as well. I just

You’re doing the right thing and the best thing. You’re taking care of yourself. You’re absolutely right — keep being kind to yourself and then share that kindness with others.

Honey, I will go for you. You write some letters and drink a cup of tea. Only in truly brutal regimes (and Pantsuit Nation is not one) are solders with shell shock sent back to the front lines.

I’m with you. You are not alone. I have been unable to eat, sleep, or stop shaking since Tuesday night. The constant nausea is problematic.

I am currently immobilized by hopelessness. I’m also a multiple rape, sexual assault, and abuse/violence survivor, so I’ve been shattered this week. I want to be able to do things like march and protest, but I don’t think my PTSD will cooperate. Intellectually, I know that I have to keep myself safe and functional or

I’m really inspired by people who are trying to fight back but I seem to only be moving back and forth between denial, anger, and despair. It’s like I can’t progress beyond those.