Oh man the revolver one, lol... It's the round he flicks off the left side of the screen and that loops around to the right that makes it art. :D
Oh man the revolver one, lol... It's the round he flicks off the left side of the screen and that loops around to the right that makes it art. :D
what irks me is the people saying she lumps legitimate criticism with these morons. She doesn't. The signal to noise ratio for her must be crazy.
Welcome to Sorority Report, a feature in which we celebrate the best and battiest of Rush Week emails from…
You can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard, but you'll never be better than Commander Shepard.
game about drifting and no eurobeat? guys you're doing something wrong wrong wrong.
I clicked on this link thinking, "I have hundreds of hours of CS under my belt... Surely I've seen it all..." I was wrong.
I think this man was mentally ill. He didn't kill those police officers for the cause. He killed them because he wanted to be known. If you check out his Facebook page you'll see a status where he clearly has suicidal ideation. You'l also see some statuses that are misogynistic in nature (which explains why he…
If they want to take a stand against needlessly harmful games or, at the very least, make a statement about their stance on these matters so developers/gamers can act accordingly, they need to be more specific. It's not that hard, either. Just a few paragraphs would get the job done.
Some really uh.. special posts on the Hatred Greenlight page before it got taken down...
Really hard to be interested in a game where the whole point of it existing is for the fact of just pissing people off. Makes the creators sound like grade schoolers who just like to annoy the other kids.
Jesus, when I heard it was "a little chilly for lips and assholes" I thought they were talking about Detroit's famous Coney dogs!
I'm not sure why this is news, Samer. Bengals fans eat butthole all the time, and even consider it their city's signature dish.
This is absolutely disgusting.