
I know what you mean, I've wanted to express my feelings about the website layout for a while now but there isn't a place to do that. I used to read almost every article at gizmodo, but with the new layout I find myself missing a lot of posts and coming back here every other day rather than everyday like I used to.


Lol. I didn't read it like that, though I wish I had.

That's exactly what I was thinking when traveling around Chefchaouen. I think Chefchaouen had an ordinance against it. Though in Juzcar, I think you'd just have 141 residence call you a buzzkill and you might not get invited to too many smurfy barbeques. As well as you might be cleaning smurf off your front door that

Moroccans did it first, but luckily not for the reason of smurfs. Moroccans also have much more smurfy things in their city of Chefchaouen than smurfberries. If you get a chance, you should go. Pretty fantastic... er smurftastic

It's been on my mind as well.

Maybe the first concept?

Ned: Is that so? Well, gee, maybe the old Flanders-mobile could use some.

Wonder if you can get bass bumping enough to knock it out of the dock.

Wait till someone jailbreaks it to jailbreak with it.

I also live in Seoul, and if I had heard Obama say that, I would give him a quick retort of, "what you talk'n bout Willis".

I always appreciate another option for music players, but if I still need to have itunes installed for the music and data to sync to my devices, isn't that making things more cluttered, rather than simplifying? Apple intended.

"You like it rough? I'll snap your penis off"

Imagine that! ...well i guess we don't need to now. Point on

A modded mosquito catcher please!

thanks for that sweet little gem

Maybe guys won't admit to this as girls don't admit to masterbation.

Man you should see a duck's. A friend was kind enough to volunteer me to watch research site's video.

Al Bundy's first choice for an iphone case.