
It’s a pity the jury couldn’t say back to him “No. How could you do that?”

I agree, there should be a cop jail and maybe a politician jail too

Our cat was killed by a paralysis tick. We buried him in the back yard. A couple of days later we saw one of these lovely lizards had dug him up and was chomping away on him. Welcome to Australia!

Meanwhile, in Australia it is now illegal in the state of Victoria to harass or photograph women outside clinics

Pro-life : because there is a 50% chance a fetus might be a male.

Pro-life = fetus life but not human life

Two women sharing a house: they sit down and talk logically about who prefers which chores regardless of gender expectations.

Interesting that the title of Ladies Man is often an indicator of someone who has anything but the best interest of ladies at heart.

Raping someone who is dead or alive is not the issue. When someone rapes someone else that person is not considered a living human being with feelings, thoughts and emotions of their own anyway.

So it seems even the enlightened just don’t get it. Maybe it is time for all women to treat men like men treat women. Then they might get it.

I know right. Do you want a cheese sandwich?

I have no problem with this either. Dudes should be able to have space just as women do.

I am sorry but I don’t care what religion you are - Christian, Muslim or Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster. If you are in a public role it is your duty to serve the public and not try to enforce your own beliefs upon others. This refusing licenses, cakes for gay weddings, alcohol etc simply causes unhappiness for