
I want to see HamNo run one of the US automakers during the shitstorm in 2008. I would be fascinated to see how he fares trying to deal with finance, engineering, legal, sales, marketing as well as getting grilled before Congress.

“Your ideal world is weird.”

Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing

This, however is Normal:

Hopefully she doesn’t and you can all stop blaming those things that barely mattered.

I mean to be totally honest, you might want to wait for him to ruin the economy- if you have savings, you will probably be able to pick up a bargain after the next crash (if our currency isn’t horribly debased in the meantime, which it may well be).

Like Anna said, we’ve all read too many thrillers and seen too many movies like this and yet, it’s still difficult to believe that all those movies you’ve seen about a Manchurian Candidate is now real life.

i’m trying to buy a house right now.

Seriously at this point how the fuck is this real life. It’s too much to absorb. Like my new reality has shifted too quickly and I can’t fucking handle it. If I had the money I seriously would just go and herd cows at this point. The world has gone fucking mad.

“Just give it a chance!”

Living in a ‘factors leading to’ paragraph is terrifying.

alternate headline:

Reminds me of an interesting comparison when I went to Australia. Most of the Aussies I met, who were awesome BTW, saw Americans stereo-typically as a bunch of gun toting cow boys.

Man, you ain't kiddin'!

Ramona Flowers

There is one cryogenically frozen in that New York City sized iceberg that is breaking away from the Antarctic ice sheet and when he thaws out he will one grumpy sauropod. They didn't cover dinosaur resurrection in An Inconvenient Truth but it's pretty much the number one environmental hazard of global warming.

Being an Antarctic paleontologists shows a level of commitment to something that I do not believe I have ever had or will ever have to anything.