
Comey is a Frankenstein or Frankenstein’s monster?

I have to say that living in several different parts of OC, San Clemente is a refreshing difference. Small town vibe, nice people, a lot of support for local businesses.

Seriously, or the Patrick Stewart nudes

I love this for comparison to size and quantity of aircraft carriers

This is what i was looking for. Couldnt remember the name, but wasnt this in operation through Vietnam?


Dont judge an entire state by one A-hole! If we did that all 50 would be off limits!

Its seems that the vacant SCROTUS seat pushed quite a few conservatives that wouldn’t have voted for Trump to do so, ignoring his very non-conservative past for a guarantee to replace Scalia with another Scalia. This arguably had a stronger influence than any other candidates.




A calm argument could be that every functioning democracy on the planet has multiple small parties the hold legislative seats and the larger parties have to form coalition governments in order to get things done, thus broadening appeal to the majority of the population in contrast to our two very polarizing political

2008 Election? I dont think he ran in 2000. Or are you referencing something else?


This guy?

BUT, do they have this?

Didnt the F-35 go like WAY over budget?

This was always one of my favorite scenes in Episode was cool to see Astromechs doing something different, and a group of them...Now it will be cool to see them once again in Rogue One :)

Especially when dealing with characters like these...