
it was around this time, that I went from gaming primarily on PC to gaming on consoles. I couldn’t afford to keep up with a college budget.

Same I used to go on those same forums. It was extremely toxic. you only got attention when you were negative

I was going to chide you for talking about romance in video game but surprisingly good read. Good for you for putting yourself out there and getting professional support.

pretty much, it’s their work not Bethesda’s.

funny how this is normalized for many. We can’t yell bomb at an airport as a joke but can to a perfect stranger on the internet.

I never understand the hate some in our community have to a point of threats of murder and rape. SMH. It makes it difficult for me to disagree with someone in the industry without being associated with such sociopaths. They should be charged, arrested, and be put in jail.

Mark 3 synths are not immune to radiation

I think the writing seemed rush. the game was actually fine

The beauty of how this DLC presents it is, if you think you are a synth, you are one. If you think you are not a synth, you are not a synth. This comment section further proves that point.

Real people have been replaced by Synths in the game

I have lone wanderer perk, so far I bring Valentine to Acadia but don’t want him while I explore. Are there any other places I should have Valentine around? or is okay just to talk to him every now and then in between treks?

I agree, I don’t know how they could do female witchers since there were none before Ciri. Along those lines, race would be cool but you would stand out in this world as Asian or African and be weird that others in this world wouldn’t comment on it.

pretty good example for opening day discussion for computer programming course. I enjoyed the read

I think that is movie quality costume.

Is E3 relevant? please give me a one word answer

Oh my goodness! this makes me want a tower defense game for settlements!

it was really cool. I noticed it when I started my second playthrough and realized that Deacon was around you a lot before the Railroad.

This makes settlement building difficult without fast travel. I think I would do a non settlement build to try this. High END perhaps

really enjoy the exploration in the game. I would just forget about the story, the characters, settlements, and just wander.

It’s pretty much a “no duh” reason. That’s still an insane number. I wonder how many people have spent over 100 and over 1000?