
so i am not the only one...

I am not assuming, I am saying what should have been done. was equally irresponsible. something about two wrongs don’t make a....

nothing ever should have existed outside of so no not really since normally everyone would know is a scam site... but equifax had to go screw that up

*just like the derp-heads that send my company office attachments instructing the user to enable macros in office to view the

you missed the point... they should have used a sub-domain of “”, not “”

EBT style cards to pay for “Lutz’s” future transportation.

If the politicians could work together on this they could make it so everyone (including Diana) has reliable transportation. Government subsidized or fully paid “pod/modules” would be a great idea. I

 mean they are not going to take you across the country but

and i thought make-up/ photoshop was bad...

so really FF and Tesla are not much different... Musk just knows how to make the government/investors believe in fairies and FF can’t.

sounds like you have got over this very well... .

the human OS kind of sucks...

$500 is cheap for the power you are getting and there are games that are better (or only available) “on the couch” ...aka madden.

no idea what you are referencing here...

I was not aware someone yelling “Allah Huakbar” was the universal measuring stick if someone is a terrorist..

calling this a suicide is a slap in the face to those murdered by a middle eastern terrorist.

There is no stretching the truth of what happened. This was a terror attack. This is exactly what ISIS has been asking their mentally ill followers to do...

you cant blame the victim

“built a whole fucking industry”...

-Tesla is not making any money.

-Tesla is not making any deadlines.

slaves of our disturbing reality of a past and nfl players have nothing in common, not a single thing.

get out of here with common sense...

and thats not unique to “electric cars”... electric steering is in base model econo-boxes.

i agree with you that too many smokers are rude about where they light up