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This will always be a missed opportunity for Anthony Ingruber to be in the Solo movie. He would have elevated the movie. Not only does he kinda resemble Harrison but the tone of his voice sounds just like Harrison Ford. He auditioned but he didn’t get the role because Alden Ehrenreich had a better agent.

Even if it didn’t help you personally by stopping you from getting the flu or at least making it less bad (and it does do those things), by not getting it you’re increasing your chances of passing the flu on to those very young and very old people who can’t get vaccinated themselves.

Prior to 2010 the CDC advised the young and old gett flu shots, but that year they changed their advice so that everyone above six months old gets a shot for a more universal defense against the flu.

Last year’s shot had poor coverage, and you had bad luck. This year’s shot is already being reported as having good coverage.

The Deney Terrio case.....the audience is laughing at him. I know it was decades ago and US audiences at that time were still finding the idea of gay people HILARIOUS, but i just feel so sad for him :(

Of course. Why am I even surprised. 

Are we sure he’s sober?

Really. His entitlement  is steaming off him like sweat off a racehorse.  His rage at even being questioned is palpable.

The one thing that might have an effect is him crying. The good old boys of the GOP don’t always handle man-tears in an understanding fashion. Crying over the coffin of a dead soldier? Acceptable. Crying over a stirring rendition of the anthem? Acceptable. Crying because a woman hurt your feelings? This might be the

I mean, right now, the BEST scenario is that the guy goes back to his job at the nation’s second-most important court, drawing $220,000 (which he supplements by teaching).

If you’ve ever been abused, you heard the voice of an abuser.

I don’t think we should be too hard on Kavanope. It is that time of the month, after all; with the blood coming out of his whatever.

Hmm...I wonder what conservatices would be saying if Ford had shouted her opening statement, viciously ripped apart Republicans, and responded to everyone of Mitchell’s questions with extreme hostility

If a woman nominee had ever comported herself so ridiculously, that alone would have been enough to deem her unfit for a Supreme Court seat. And not just by Republicans, but by American society at large. She’d be considered crazy and hysterical.

Isn’t one of those Pattinson-obsessed people the current President of the United States? He had a thing a few years ago when he was all about how Stewart wasn’t good enough for him and that he should find someone better (hint hint).

Well, when the prosecutor in question is a lackey of racist Joe Arapio...

One thing I haven’t seen addressed is that, among other things, Kavanaugh is either an alcoholic or a problem drinker (the line between the two can be fuzzy). It would be one thing if he was in longterm recovery and honest about it. (George Bush (not my favorite!) was an alcoholic in recovery at least. Nixon was an

Nevermind the threat of “Ha you’re not even pretty, I was being nice” or the more sussinct “ugly bitch” if you decline the wrong guy. 

Mark Judge is the key to all of this. If they don’t bring him before the senate under oath, that proves this is all for show and they have no interest in the truth. There is a reason he has not submitted an affidavit under the threat of perjury and why he is hiding out in a beach house.

I think this is—this is crazy town. It’s a smear campaign. I’ve been in the public eye for 24 years, really public at various points. Certainly, 1998, when I was in the Starr investigation, that was a very public year.”