
all people who live in rural areas are dumb, racist hicks? You wonder why Hillary lost. jesus.


There’s a part of me that knows I couldn’t be a part of something like that because I’d wind up walking away with like 17 dogs and 5 cats.

Cuss all you want in the body of the article, but for the love of God can you stop dropping F bombs in the title of articles, particularly for something that everyone wants to read like The Morning Shift? You are going to get banned by our IT people, and then I’m going to have to work,

Get ‘em spayed and rotared.

Putting lasers in there might attract the neighborhood cats, though.

That would be a very small island.

Dodge Viper from birth to death.

How about when Subaru ACTUALLY made an Sti wagon? That Legacy is at most a wrx.


Although I like Supras I have no clue on why they are so cherished other than for nostalgia purposes. They are basically a big motor RWD Japanese 90s muscle car. Which by todays standards kind of hold up. But with 320HP and 3,505lbs it can barely hold a candle to some mini vans now. Other 80s’/90s cars like the “REAL”

I think panic first is not the best option.

Also, he’s big on “art of the deal” bullshit, so he’ll probably pay China to “dispose” of the Kims and install someone else as a first resort.

Fuck this. Im’a moving to a remote island that’s far away from this shit.

I’m officially over it and simply don’t care anymore.

I agree. The percentage that put Obama in the WH twice. The same Obama who’s only foreign policy was “Let diplomacy work” then sat back and gave NK the space and time it needed to further work on it’s weapons and delivery systems. All he wanted to do was kick the can down the road and let the next president (surely

Fuck that.

I just don’t want it to end up like the GT-R. Once a cool car, monetarily accessible by a large amount of people, now out of reach. Its reputation of a being such a tuner friendly car was mythical to the US. So when they finally brought it to the US, they felt obligated to fulfill this inflated reputation. They put

Copper plugs are usually ok, as long as you’re fine with changing them every 10-20k miles.