
This “accuser” is looking for money. Let’s not defend her...

Coming from Car & Driver, I’ll take that with a grain of salt. Owning a turbo 4 with over 160k on the clock that hasn’t detonated yet is proof enough for me.

It is true. EVERY Turbo owner should follow this. I don’t care what year or what emblem is on your car. Foreign or Domestic.

His wife is stunning, why in the hell would he?! We do know he likes to party though.

If you are an introvert, every damn day is like this.

I’m talking about the one in the pantsuit who is still trying to figure out why she lost. She’s the damn devil. Demoncrats not the bad ones? Oh shit, made me spit out my coffee, that’s just rich... You know they want the MS-13 here in our country to kill and rape our women, right? Please don’t get your news here.

Compared to TN, yes CA guns laws are fucking laughable.

California, strict gun laws, traffic out the wazoo, hollywood, demoncrats, everything causes cancer = Pure Hell. Get out good guys, while you still can. I know there are a few still here

I agree, they are the Dodge of the East. They actually have some balls to build crazy things we want!

Either way, it’s still my favorite car on the planet.

Well I bet most of them never finished high school or ever got a GED. That’s their fault.

Good guy? You do realize a few months before all this started he converted to islam? So if you are an American, just know he wants to kill you. Comprende?

I still have my 91 CRX Si, such a fun car!

You guys are forgetting the best one...

I agree.... V6 Viper?

For a guy that didn’t support this country? Hell no. At least could read articles without political stance in them.

Then term “snowflake” was created for whining liberals. That I assure you I’m not. Very much the opposite. I actually love this country. People that hate the President are like people on a plane that want the pilot to crash. Makes ZERO sense.

I’m not an electrical engineer, so I could care less about new cars.

Hey look, another post bashing our President!

She’s actually really pretty. Her face that is, her body is a bit too skinny for me though.