Really? lmao
Really? lmao
I see you get your “news” from CNN, or even worse, here. I’m not claiming I’m a badass or whatever. I just made a statement that we all know is true on Liberal websites such as this one. Go ahead and hate a guy that gave up a billionaire lifestyle just to make his country better. If it makes you feel better about…
your point?
“Triggered” & “Snowflake” is reserved for Liberals.
Brainless sycophants? I’m glad you know so much about me based on a comment on the internet. Congratulations, you made yourself look really dumb.
Because it’s never a democRATs fault...
That’s NOT a corvette. LMAO
Mad cause they still run?
Right back atcha.
Most actual Jalopnik posts are ok. It’s all their other sister sites that infuriate me. Imagine saying anything they are saying these days... if they were to say that about their dear leader; the Obamination or God-forbid Hitlary, there would be a fucking meltdown.
Literally anything our President does is bad in your eyes. Admit it!
The OCD in me is dying inside with the placement of the DRAGON letters.
I hope Honda kicks ass and shuts all the haters mouths.
Only because of you liberals.
Thank God I’m not alone in this liberal wasteland.
Stop buying new cars. Easy Peasy.
American cars are garbage.
That’s what’s funny about the title of this article. Maybe in a straight line, but no damn way around a track.
These things are rare period. Especially the 2 doors, I live in TN and I can’t find one that isn’t rusted to oblivion for less than 20 grand.
They are a bit fragile, but when they work well, there’s nothing like them!