I’ll put it in my STi, if he’ll let me have it. LOL
I’ll put it in my STi, if he’ll let me have it. LOL
Um.... just walk away.
I hope no one actually gets their “news” and takes it seriously from Gawker Media.
Of course Subaru.... LMAO. I’ll keep using Motul in my EJ257 thank you very much. People are creatures of habit ya know...
That is Bad Ass! I bet she’s super cool too.
Looks about as boring as well... a Golf. I’d take the CTR anyday. I like my cars like my women, Flashy & Offensive.
Pretty rare for a nonturbo, but I understand. People get burned and scarred. I’ve had mostly Japanese cars all my life, and the few American ones that I’ve had were so bad, I’ll never buy another one.
I have an 05 USDM 2.5 STi, 149,xxx original miles. It burns oil like a sumva bitch, but I beat the shit out of it daily. Sounds pretty durable to me.
You prefer looks over drivetrain reliability? Because that what this comes down to.
Blasphemy!!! LMAO
I pay almost $3,000 USD per year for insurance on my STi, I don’t know about that “low” stuff.
9,000 RPM Redline.
I’m going diagonal from here on out. People be damned!
I’m going diagonal from here on out. People be damned!
Thanks to Gran Turismo and The Fast franchise, this is the only GT-R I would ever want, same color and everything. I may be alone, but the R35 is simply not attractive. Fast and impressive, yes, but it doesn’t give me the feels that this one does.
True, but I bet the interior of the Mazda is similar to the Subie.
Here we go again, go buy a Cadillac/Lexus/Audi if you want luxury. You are getting plastic for 30k money! This is getting older than BRZ’s are “underpowered”, everyone is missing the point.
She didn’t do anything illegal? Are you fucking kidding me? OMG I hope you see a doctor soon.