
This is an outrage. Once school fires back up, two nerdy teenagers who claim that they had their first kiss over the summer actually won’t be lying.

(Sadly, his opinion ain’t wrong.)

Whizzing through a 100km ride like it’s nothing.

Seems like he will already get one more film. And Ridley is pretty far removed the last couple of movies. So if the next one makes bank, don’t see why he couldn’t get two more films.

-Two of only five teams ever to have 60 wins at the break.
-Two of the top three run differentials ever at the break.
-Second biggest division lead ever at the break (Astros).

Would star, but just going to leave that star count at 69.

Now that the Twitter account is privated (presumably due to a Presidential gag order), does this count as FAKE NEWS?

Completely a two-tiered comment system now.

Three balls hit gloves in the air, none were caught.

Let’s take a minute to LOL at the pitcher win stat.

Yeah Jeets obviously wins, but Butt-Eating Gossip (and Jim Cooke) easily wins the title for Best Gawker Illustration.

To clarify, 75% of the arena was just yelling that because Oubre isn’t white.

When it comes to marijuana, the NFL doesn’t Josh around.

Does anyone under the age of 50 read any newspaper?

Keep the inspections. And Texas isn’t all dry - Houston, Beaumont, Galveston, Corpus - lots of coastal cities with high humidty year-round.

This is the closest I’ve seen to Deadspin acknowledging that Westbrook slapped Beverley’s nuts before Bev got T’d up last night.

One one hand, I agree. On the other hand, “Don’t leave your feet” is repeated over and over and over again.

Deadspin has told you enough times that Westbrook is the MVP that now you (the collective you of Deadspin commenters) blindly parrot that sentiment.

But wait - they have the triple-double MVP who makes his teammates so good they can’t lose!!!
- Source: Every Deadspin basketball post of the past month.

“Winning is stupid!”