Tell her the cat did it. Then just say that it's a binding contract and there is nothing you can do, your hands are tied.
Tell her the cat did it. Then just say that it's a binding contract and there is nothing you can do, your hands are tied.
I love it when people think the outcomes aren't predetermined.
Talk about some grumpy assholes. She clearly made her own diorama and dad wanted to wow her classmates with a little something extra. God forbid a dad be active in his kids homework.
I have experienced that ignition issue on my 2002 Chevy Trailblazer before, I wonder if the list of vehicles effected isn't even done being made yet.
Since when is a twitter account money?
They are hidden for true fans of games. I was big into this type of stuff when the Halo series first came out and stopped caring after Halo 3.
Then why the fuck do they have jobs? Oh yeah, Americans are lazy as fuck so they just complain instead of doing anything.
There is no room for pussies in this type of scenario.
We are dealing with a generation of brats that have complained until they get what they want. So they will complain and bitch and moan until someone gives in. Generation BRATS.
Criminal mischief.
Not only that, this is basically slut shaming for gaming. The dude posting these videos and going out of his way is no better than the kids in the video. If you don't like racism why doesn't he do something useful besides bait kids online to say horrible things?
Any topical cream that says you shouldn't ingest it and seek medical attention if you do, is probably a bad idea for a pet to consume.
Would you rather your friends and neighbors get on a plane and go to another country to die? You can't have your cake and eat it too.
If you think that only hipsters live in Austin, then you are sadly mistaken. It may be more liberal than other cities in our state, but they are still Texas and they are getting that charcoal ready right now.
Also rendering distance. The XB1 looks to have shit for distance.
Right? INB4 kids saying quality doesn't matter.
Austin is in Texas, we are going to pump this fucker full of all kinds of drugs, then BBQ his ass and feed them to the rest of his inmates.
You are going to let some pink polo wearing ass hats tell you what type of vehicle you can or cannot buy? When did we turn into fucking China?
If they did that then what would they complain about?
Why the fuck do you even care?