
Oh fuck off. White asshole racist suburban fucks got Trump elected. This wasn’t about ‘financial insecurity’ it was about INNER CITY CARNAGE (the blacks) and the fact that they had just endured 8 years of a black president showing up their Texas fuck boy in every single fucking way possible.https://www.washingtonpost.c

I don’t get your sentiment. I never played Skylanders or Lego Dimensions but I don’t wish that they would cancel them. People like them and if they want to spend their money on them it doesn’t impact you or I at all. I don’t play COD or other shooters but they’re good for the industry since the $$ they make allows

You mean there’s things BEYOND Brookfield!????!?? -Chicagoans

That’s why i bought mine. Honestly in the days before launch i thought to myself “This thing is going to be not that great as a home console” and considered canceling my preorder, but then thought of all of my train rides to work playing Zelda so decided to keep the thing and man oh man am I not regretting it for an

Index fund small cap :)

Is the Nintendo Switch going to succeed?

Whether you grasp it or not, professional athletes are employees and fall under the same worker protections as the steelworkers you fap to when watching the Deer Hunter

Yeah I wish Destiny would quit prettying shit up and just let us watch the loot drop calculation work it’s magic in an excel spreadsheet

I didn’t take it as “this poor thing had her life ruined” so much as I took him as saying “hey for what its worth her life was ruined so that’s something!”

for now

I agree with your arguments except super-fuck baby boomers and I have no problem nuking their entitlements from space.

Fine but don’t forget to blame the Democratic leaders who were so fucking arrogant they thought that Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio were in the fucking bag while they spent millions on campaigning in shitholes like Kansas that were never, fucking ever, never going to flip. Don’t think that a few asinine

*nerd glasses on*

Minnesota’s a fantastic team!

Thursday night football and Todd Gurley ruined my fantasy season. I’ll be getting my kid to bed on Thursday and suddenly realize that I’ve locked in a Jets/Chiefs/Rams/Jaguars player that I streamed the week before who goes for 3 points.

Well I mean, Bernie and Obama both had strong messages to their campaigns. Obama ran right when the economy was crashing and people were losing jobs at an astonishing rate and suddenly there was ‘hope’

Southwest is Walmart air. They have to check boarding groups though since the seats are a free-for-all. Once you get to the end of the tunnel it’s ‘Murican Gladiator. A family of four will run and take 4 window seats and then yell at each other across the plane. I always fly a legacy airline and prefer to board last

Then we agree

Liberals do vote in mid-term elections. The way the house has stayed Republican hands for so long is aggressive gerrymandering and flat out pandering to single-issue voters who are so afraid of taking away their guns or jeebus that they keep electing people who are literally bankrupting their communities.