
Southwest is Walmart air. They have to check boarding groups though since the seats are a free-for-all. Once you get to the end of the tunnel it’s ‘Murican Gladiator. A family of four will run and take 4 window seats and then yell at each other across the plane. I always fly a legacy airline and prefer to board last

Then we agree

Liberals do vote in mid-term elections. The way the house has stayed Republican hands for so long is aggressive gerrymandering and flat out pandering to single-issue voters who are so afraid of taking away their guns or jeebus that they keep electing people who are literally bankrupting their communities.

To be fair, look at what Iraq looked like in the 1960's, it was actually gorgeous and relatively progressive. A lot of what has become of the middle east is due to the West’s tampering and destabilizing in order to weaken their governments against standing up to us over oil prices. We installed dictators and when

My favorite is when Mcdonald’s employees ask for a living wage Trumpers claim that they’re “unskilled and are paid what the market determines they are worth” but then these rednecks wail and gnash their teeth that they lost their assembly line jobs where they stood in place all day and attached two pieces of a product

See here’s the thing, you can ‘believe’ whatever you wish, but economists and simple observations tell us that you and others who believe in trickle-down economics are profoundly wrong.

Hillary was like a bad 80's action movie politician and Trump was the living incarnation of Idiocracy’s President Camacho.

I did! I also liked my own comment :D

Haha yes thank you I realized that after I posted - more like 40 years ago instead of the 1940's. Point being tonight we are gonna see something rare.

Kluber looked mortal on 3 days rest. Still a stone-cold killer, but mortal. Now, pitching for a 3rd time on short rest.. well there’s a reason the last time a pitcher won 3 world series games was in the 1940's.

We don’t have to. Trump and the Indians will both lose!

All lives matter would be cards fans

You are no lifelong fan if you think people don’t say cubbies. You’ve probably been here throughout all of the Schwarber years.

Playing my Wii U right now because that shit is hot. I’m sad it didn’t catch on because I have a PS4 as well and literally own 3 times as many games on Wii U. Yes, it’s mainly the Nintendo exclusives but god damn they are software development masters and

You tort reform freaks are so crazed you’re substituting the word ‘tort’ for ‘rape’ now? My goodness!

Yes but he can’t win jack shit with the poor white trash and suburban basic votes alone, and he didn’t win over one new supporter this weekend.

Unfair criteria. No one makes it out of Cleveland alive.


I mean, in any other context wouldn’t we be shocked that the Browns even have ‘seasoned’ or ‘long-term’ scouts? After like, 17 years of draft whiffs?