


In a better country than this one I wouldn’t be getting shot by criminals because nobody has access to a gun. The problem is cultural. Go outside of the US - see what a laughing stock we are. A bunch of fatasses shooting each other.


What do you make? Like 45k in buttfuck Appalachia? Top earner.

Fuck off with the uninvolved parents thing. You don’t know a fucking thing about it and you should be ashamed for insinuating that a grieving parent had a part in their child’s death because they were at work. Obviously someone loved them and is devastated by this. I’m positive that you’re not a parent so there’s no

Do you even Cubs bro?

He’s asking do the ends justify the means? A fair question. Look at what’s happening with the homophobic legislation in the south, it’s open season on politicians down there - they are getting eviscerated on social media and nobody is losing any tears for them. If you were a social conservative would you not see it as

Well, not disregarding the heart of the intent of such a list, providing a list of public representatives’ office numbers and professional social media forums is NOT doxxing. Of course the point of the list is to get out the pitchforks and torches and I realize this, but it’s completely different from say, handing out

Well, it’s a goddamned fact that dudes in dresses just can’t help but rape kids.

Username checks out

“We” ...listen to you. Look at what you’ve been able to accomplish from your mom’s basement. And your dad said you’d never amount to shit.... You showed him.

Um, so the reason we don’t like Hilary is because we are low-information voters? I diagree. I’m a political junkie and I love Bernie’s message. Hilary is campaigning like Romney 2.0 - “what would you like to hear and I will say it.” I know better than to say she doesn’t have convictions but goddamn to many of us a

The old-fashioned model - do a cartoon to sell figures.

Disney infinity is the shit.

When the good Samaritan left his Patient at the Inn, he gave Money to the Host, and said, TAKE CARE OF HIM, and what thou spendest more, I will repay thee. We are in this World mutual Hosts to each other; the Circumstances and Fortunes of Men and Families are continually changing; in the Course of a few Years we have

Master’s degree in English here - most successful modern writers write like shit. Looking at you Fifty Shades.

Johnny Depp Battle Royale.

Yeah but the rift is just pair of fugly glasses without a gaming rig.

Pictured: white wizard