You Guessed it: Frank Stallone

Can this meme just fucking die already. It’s just getting put into everything now to the point it’s expected.

My wife thinks I’m a psychopath sitting here crying and rewatching it on my phone 22 times.

Same. I lost it. The team wearing his name and number, Gordon crying as he touched home, everything about that 2 to 3 minutes was beautiful and touching.

I’m a grown man crying almost hysterically watching other grown men cry.

Holy. Shit.

This is just a bawlfest for me since it started. Dee Gordon broke me.

Right up until now, I had long thought that the argument over vaccines I had with an ignorant hippie high school “friend” could not be topped for “stupidest person I had to argue with.” They always say everyone can’t be trusted, yet they’re willing to believe the most outlandish shit. They are somehow entirely too

No matter how many times I tried to explain how those two things could not both be true, he was adamant that his sources were “truthful” sources, yet refused to name what they were. When truly pressed, he produced an opinion piece from the Washington Post... a publication that he called “biased” when I used an article

I feel like you clearly did not watch the video. Have a go at it again, champ.

Maybe because she’s trigger happy and incompetent, too.

Betty Shelby is nothing but a low-life thug. Look at her record! She smokes marijuana and has been cited for domestic violence. Was only a matter of time when something like this would happen. Get her off the streets!

My wife once found a plush german shepherd that looked remarkably like her dog. I bought it for her and when she brought it home she discovered every time she would cuddle it, her dog would walk over and put her head on her lap with a sad look on her face.

It was hilarious.

Dude, if I were the poor sister I would tell bride sister to absolutely take rich sister’s money. Then we could split the cash to go do something awesome just the two of us. And if we’re feeling bitchy we could plaster pics all over Facebook of our great time together. We could even tag mean sister like, “Without Mary

He “did nothing to deserve it” ???

Stop and think why he would agree to play that role and to that scene. Because he thought it was funny.

Imagine if a man had said to a female actress: “Boy, the first time I decided I was into you was when I saw you get fucked in the ass in that one movie.”

Ok that doesn’t work. If you have someone on your block list and they change their name on Xbox Live/Blizzard games/like.... any online service ever, they stay blocked because the account is blocked, the new name will be shown in the block section where the old one was. People normally get around that by making whole

About tree fiddy

It’s so easy to be taken in by somebody famous or somebody older you particularly admire, especially as a teenager when hormones are rampant and you daydream of being happy with the person you crush on. If it’s someone who’s famous and they single out *you* I can bet it makes you feel so special, so amazing. This is a