You Guessed it: Frank Stallone

Review embargo dates mean literally nothing in regards to game quality.

They’re basically killing it off. Making F2P now would be a silly thing to do if you’re not going to support it. That side of Fortnite has essentially been dead since the  BR released.

Nope. Won't happen. Ever.

If you want to watch it full screen go watch it on Netflix lol

Some 0f you guys are so fucking ignorant it hurts my brain.

Somebody watched the new Bon Appetit YouTube video today...

This kid won't be on any playground. This is a home schooled kid 100% who will only play with other rich weird kids.

Had to be a certain age to be on Double Dare too but nice try.

Lol what

Lol what

Overwatch is 5 years old and Sinatraa has barely played this season. He’s been grinding this game for years now and he’s probably tired of working his ass off and not playing so he left to stream Valorant and make bank on Twitch. Overwatch is not nearly close to being dead and neither is OWL. Just because a few people

It's only $20 and might be a fun waste of 5 hours. Lord knows we all have too much time on our hands.

I finally had to cancel my Amazon order of the Deluxe Edition of this game that I pre-ordered way back in June ($69 for the $79 Deluxe Edition too *sad face*). I can’t risk not getting this game on April 10th since I’ve been waiting for this Remake for 23 years. They had sent out an email saying it was going to be

No biggie. I got the Amazon email about it. Would suck to lose my $69 deluxe edition since I pre-ordered it last June, but I can live with the regular digital version if need be (Don’t care about the digital art book instead of the physical one I'd get from Amazon). I’d rather people get their TP and soap.

Sounds like literally every other business. They waited too long to do anything because Trump and Fox News lied about the severity for months so the rich CEOs didn’t take it seriously enough.

Actually, it reeks of Nvidias shit being awful and publishers getting tired of dealing with it.

This is the first time I’ve ever wished I had a PC to game on.

Go read the posts. It definitely wasn't a joke. Guy was legit furious they took away his ability to crouch over someone repeatedly. So are many, many others. 

Why go for clicks instead of substance and meaningful reflection?

Don’t worry. I’m sure someone at Kotaku will write an article about how this shouldn’t be done because it’s somehow offensive.

These changes are for the best. Whoever says they aren’t good for the game are in the extreme minority or just don’t play Overwatch. It’s that simple.