You Guessed it: Frank Stallone

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 lets players die and respawn as zombies in the new “Pandemic” Blackout mode.

“We’ve taken this action out of respect for the incidents of the past week, and it does not reflect a long-term change in our video game assortment.”

How can I convince my wife that she needs to work on not just her mental issues, but her physical too?

if I was raking in 150+M in guaranteed money from the game, I think I’d find it hard to get that angry at anything involving baseball.

I saw a private jet charter company from Kansas City Missouri give Trump hundreds of thousands of dollars multiple times back in 2016. It’s probably more than $4 million total. It’s quite odd indeed.

so i mock and talk shit. it’s stupid and fruitless but, meh.

if our democracy fractures any more, this could be used to target and harass donors.

It’s weird to see so many people surprised that you can find this information easily. I kinda just thought it was public knowledge that a decent amount of donor info was publicly available.

Found a “Air Charter Team” in Kansas City MO that give Trump well over $4 million for the 2016 election. Weird. Didn’t know a private jet company would have that much cash just lying around.

I don’t know Platform, but I always hate to see this.

I don’t see this doing much to address the problem, which is the predatory tactics that are deliberately taking advantage of people with poor impulse control, like children and gambling addicts.

This is useless, just a bow on a turd. Disclosing loot box odds is just basic decency.

Cool. Cant wait to see the odds of Overwatch loot boxes and see why I always get player Icons and sprays.

Dragalia Lost is one of the worst offenders out there lol

While games currently include labels indicating whether they contain microtransaction purchases, and video game consoles also have parental controls that can be implemented to limit how much money children spend in-game, the industry is clearly feeling pressure to go further.

I’m looking forward to seeing a video of Colin Cowherd throwing a football. Something tells me he’s going to be worse than teen rom-com guy.

You don’t have to. The police aren’t going to arrest you if you don’t. But jackasses like this guy are out there and might take offense.

I might give this a shot. I’m a HUGE Civ fan and have been looking for other 4x games to play. None of the others on the market really look like something I’d enjoy as I’m very particular about how my 4x games play (basically if it isn’t almost identical to Civ, then I’m not interested).