You Guessed it: Frank Stallone

I don’t see why this guy would take a Twitch ban seriously because there’s no way they’re going to just ban him forever. He makes them a lot of money and this got him and Twitch an absolute shit ton of free publicity. This stunt was perfect for his brand because there’s one thing his audience of teens and early 20s

The context of the specific interaction is INCREDIBLY important to that.

Thinking with the little brain, huh?

It sounds like you stole all of these from Judge Reinhold teen movies in the 80s.

Yep, Canada here. I just kind of assumed it would be the same across the border but apparently not.

I hate being asked “How is everything?”. Typically it’s as your taking your first bite and have to hastily swallow to not look like an idiot with food in your mouth.

DO NOT go around touching strangers! Just don’t do it.

Yes, it sounds shitty, but push for more sales of starters and desserts by talking about how great they are because they will bulk up your check and you’re earning 23% on all that shit, right?

But why? I know he’s famous and rich

People get laid off all the time and it's not news. Why is this? 

The demo footage kept the characters on rails in a fairly linear progression of fights, most of which took place on and around the Golden Gate bridge. Aside from a brief moment when Iron Man joined Thor, not much cooperative or multiplayer team-based gameplay was shown—only individual superheroes from the team,

The other day at happy hour a friend tried to convince us that he drinks often enough and has a high tolerance, so he would blow a lower BAC on a breathalyzer.

People who are 21 years and up who don’t know alcohol is bad for you in any form  should probably be allowed to just die from their stupidity. No warning needed.

I feel like if you want to do something like this, you have to come into it with a track record on these kinds of issues that is squeaky clean, else you have to make your point immediately clear even from a screenshot

Damn, it must suck to be an _____ in 2019 when any of your ___ can be seen as “offensive”.

I said “showboating.” You are not “damned” if you don’t celebrate much after scoring goals when the game is well out of hand.

I’m no pro-athlete but I played baseball and basketball in high school and college, I’ve been on both sides of a blow out, and yeah, at a certain point, as the point total gets ridiculous, you stop celebrating and you hope, when your time comes, the other team does the same.

Four- I don’t care about this story- I’m pretty much “whatever”- mostly I object to your assumptions.

Mostly, I just think “whatever”