
Jessica was rad all the way through. She makes a return appearance in “Children of Dune” that shouldn’t be missed.

God Emperor is delicious in its scope and breadth. To get to see what happens to Dune over time, to the Fremen, to Leto II himself... absolutely fascinating. And when you finally understand what “The Golden Path” is and why Leto was willing to endure what he had to go through to enact it... it touches your mind and

If you haven’t read the fifth and sixth books, then you should, because the Bene Gesserit are the “heroes” of those books (vs. the evil lady sex ninjas” that someone above mentioned!).

The second book is “Dune Messiah”, not “Dune Prophet”. And to say “nothing happens in that book” is absurd. It is thick with regret, loss, and the almost-entire destruction of the Paul Atriedes “Messiah myth”. There are momentous happenings in that novel and it should NOT be skipped. Children of Dune won’t make any