certified cool guy

We get it. You like big government and you can not lie


First, actually make it.


Why? Is it because Gary serves for the people, not the corporations and banks that run our government?

What about Gary Johnson? There exists more than two parties.

Looks like a proton perdana

You have a point, but c’mon, you don’t just roast some guy’s company right in his face in front of a huge audience.

I mean, I’m just as skeptical of Faraday as the next person, but Matt Burns was just being a disrespectful prick in the interview.

and you missed the point of this post


then what was the point of it

Koenigsegg is a niche supercar-only company. Faraday wants to be a mainstream brand.

Best M3

how do they do it

It’ll be mine one day


What is that? A mechanical taco?