
One thing I discovered years ago that has only been reinforced repeatedly is that little kids like talking to me partly because I use the exact same language with them as I do with adults. I don’t change my tone and I don’t simplify my word choices. They might have to ask me what a word means, but, you know, they

I get the idea of calling folks on being pretentious, however dumbing down your language skills so you don’t appear to be elitist is short-minded. Yes some people get offended because I use words they don’t understand but this in English and not everything needs to be expressed solely in lyrics from a country or rap

Sweet preview of the upcoming Lite Heather! I was wondering if the performance of the Lite was the same as the undocked of the original? I found performance, frames and textures dipped quite a bit without the overclocking from the Dock. 

The most pathetic thing to me is that those hundreds of comments whining about “SJW’s” and other such dismissive pejoratives don’t understand that the feeling they’re experiencing is called BEING OFFENDED.

Thanks for your opinion, homophobe.

To offend you.

You being the key word, there. Just because you’re not offended doesn’t mean others aren’t. Hate-speech is hate-speech, and the people that propagate it will take a mile if they’re given an inch.

Whenever someone uses the term “SJW” as a non-ironic derogatory insult my eyes tend to glaze over and all I hear is the Charlie Brown teacher, and I lose all memory of the previous 5 minutes. I think it’s some sort of defense mechanism or something.

Removing something from your own work that you feel do not stand by is, just saying, not fucking censorship. It’s called editing! Ya know, that shit that you do in order to create a good work?

Ah, right..”censorship”...the cowards reasoning for accepting and brushing off hate speech.

Cool, that’s one less game I have to play.

Please, for the love of humanity, include a damn difficulty choice. I really liked Moon, but it became so mind bogglingly easy I couldn’t being myself to finish it.

I thought you might be an ignoramus, but now I see you are worse. We all make choices in life. You should make better choices.

It’s 2019 bro. You shouldn’t be using that word. There is enough hate in the world. No need to propagate more.

Kind of circular logic, no?

I want to ask if you’ve actually tried level cap combat, if you think it’s slow. Because yes, I fully admit that the initial low level combat feels slow. But by the time you have your full kit? It really isn’t.

I’m not one for conspiracy theories that don’t involve lizard people draining the life force of goats, but I’m almost positive that Bethesda had plants in that audience. Cheering that loud for mobile games? Nope.

Yes, it’s really too bad that we haven’t invented a way for footage to be saved to be watched later. 

Don’t need to click that link to know what’s up.

I got two things from this review. One, this game seems pretty amazing sauce. Two, I also get that it isn’t for me. I adore, love AND cherish RPGs of all flavors and I’ve been playing them since days of yore. However, I find that due to time constraints I have to pause games for days or even a week or two when things